Information about Birni Nkoni Airport of Niamey city in Niger

Airport/airplane image

(Birni Nkoni Airport) in Niger. Iata code of this airport is - BKN. This airport serves Niamey city. Near are also the cities Niamey, Kano, Kaduna, Bida, Djuba, Abudja, Nyu karu, Kudje, and airports Sokoto Airport, Tahoua Airport, Maradi Airport, Niamey Airport, Kandi Airport, Zaria Airport, Aminu Kano International Airport, Kaduna Airport.

There is no regular flights of civilian airlines are served this airport, and you can get to this place only by airtaxi, private aircraft or military aircraft. But nearby there are other airports, where you can get by regular flights (see airports near the city of Niamey). You can check flights using search form below.

If you arrive at this airport, you can spend the night in hotels nearby. Near this airport are such hotels as (0 km.), . You can view all hotels near airport of including position on the map here.

Closest cities/hotelsClosest airports
  • Niamey (7 hotels, distance 345.6 km / 214.8 mi)
  • Kano (1 hotel, distance 413.1 km / 256.7 mi)
  • Kaduna (14 hotels, distance 435.6 km / 270.7 mi)
  • Bida (1 hotel, distance 522.1 km / 324.4 mi)
  • Djuba (5 hotels, distance 568.1 km / 353 mi)
  • Abudja (242 hotels, distance 572.5 km / 355.8 mi)
  • Nyu karu (2 hotels, distance 581.5 km / 361.3 mi)
  • Kudje (1 hotel, distance 582.1 km / 361.7 mi)

Find tickets to Birni Nkoni Airport

Birni Nkoni Airport weather and forecast*

* - weather forecast presented at local airport's time. Weather data -

Low prices tickets calendar to Birni Nkoni Airport

Birni Nkoni Airport on map:

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How get to/from Birni Nkoni Airport

If you want get from the Birni Nkoni Airport to the city center or to other cities or resorts, or vice versa, without any problems with local transport, you can use the transfer order the search form below. This way to get from the airport is different from the ordinary taxis, because it's more comfortable and you will not have problems with the language barrier (you do not have to explain to the driver in an unknown language where you need to get). When you will make a booking, you can specify special travel conditions, if they are required, such as a trip with children or people with disabilities. When traveling with children, special child chairs provided, if the law of the country is required.

When you will arrive at airport, the driver will wait for you after boarding the plane with a sign with your name, and you can easily get to the desired place from any airport in the world.

You can find and book transfer from/to airport online now:

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