Airports of Cherskiy Closest ariports to Cherskiy city: Cherskiy Airport (distance 1.7 km / 1.1 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Severo-Evensk Airport (distance 782.7 km / 486.4 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Pevek Airport (distance 1021.4 km / 634.7 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Chokurdah Airport (distance 1485.6 km / 923.2 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Magadan Airport (distance 1513.2 km / 940.3 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Belaya Gora Airport (distance 1653.9 km / 1027.7 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Petropavlovsk-Kamchats Airport (distance 1736.1 km / 1078.8 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Anadyr Airport (distance 1850.7 km / 1150 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Moma Airport (distance 1995.2 km / 1239.8 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Casco Cove Airport (distance 2174.2 km / 1351 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Airports of Cherskiy city on map: ☞ Show Map Find air tickets to Cherskiy airport