Airports of Chertovitskoye Closest ariports to Chertovitskoye city: Chertovitskoye Airport (distance 4.6 km / 2.9 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Lipetsk Airport (distance 100.7 km / 62.6 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Tambov Airport (distance 265.2 km / 164.8 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Ryazan Airport (distance 305.6 km / 189.9 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Belgorod Airport (distance 320.9 km / 199.4 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Klokovo Airport (distance 322.1 km / 200.2 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Kursk Airport (distance 325.5 km / 202.3 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Severodoneck Airport (distance 329.8 km / 204.9 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Lugansk Airport (distance 372.8 km / 231.7 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Orel Airport (distance 378.3 km / 235.1 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Airports of Chertovitskoye city on map: ☞ Show Map Find air tickets to Chertovitskoye airport