Airports of Veshkelitsa Closest ariports to Veshkelitsa city: Petrozavodsk Airport (distance 146.6 km / 91.1 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Kitee Airport (distance 301.6 km / 187.4 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Rzhevka (distance 323.4 km / 201 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Joensuu Airport (distance 360 km / 223.7 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Pulkovo Airport (distance 363.2 km / 225.7 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Novgorod Airport (distance 413 km / 256.6 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Savonlinna Airport (distance 423 km / 262.9 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Solovky Airport (distance 467.3 km / 290.4 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Lappeenranta Airport (distance 520.8 km / 323.6 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Varkaus Airport (distance 542 km / 336.8 mi) | ✈️ Book tickets Airports of Veshkelitsa city on map: ☞ Show Map Find air tickets to Veshkelitsa airport