1 | AAF | Apalachicola Regional Airport | Panama City |
2 | ABE | Lehigh Valley International Airport | Allentown |
3 | ABI | Municipal Airport | Abilene |
4 | ABL | Ambler Airport | Ambler |
5 | ABQ | Albuquerque International Airport | Albuquerque |
6 | ABR | Municipal Airport | Aberdeen |
7 | ABY | Dougherty County Airport | Albany |
8 | ABZ | Dyce Airport | Aberdeen |
9 | ACB | Antrim County Airport | Traverse City |
10 | ACK | Nantucket Memorial Airport | Nantucket |
11 | ACT | Municipal Airport | Waco |
12 | ACV | Arcata Airport | Arcata |
13 | ACY | Atlantic City International Airport | Atlantic City |
14 | ADG | Lenawee County Airport | Toledo |
15 | ADK | Adak Island Ns Airport | Saint Paul Island |
16 | ADM | Ardmore Municipal Airport | Oklahoma City |
17 | ADQ | Kodiak Airport | Kodiak |
18 | ADR | Andrews Airport | Myrtle Beach |
19 | ADS | Addison Airport | Dallas |
20 | ADT | Ada Municipal Airport | Oklahoma City |
21 | ADW | Andrews AFB | Camp Springs |
22 | AED | Aleneva Airport | Port Bailey |
23 | AEL | Albert Lea Airport | Mason City |
24 | AET | Allakaket Airport | Hughes |
25 | AEX | Alexandria International Airport | Alexandria |
26 | AFF | USAF Academy Airstrip | Pueblo |
27 | AFN | Municipal Airport | Worcester |
28 | AFO | Municipal Airport | Jackson |
29 | AFW | Fort Worth Alliance | Dallas |
30 | AGC | Allegheny County | Pittsburgh |
31 | AGN | Angoon Airport | Tenakee Springs |
32 | AGO | Municipal Airport | El Dorado |
33 | AGS | Bush Field Airport | Augusta |
34 | AHC | Amedee AAF Airport | Reno |
35 | AHD | Downtown Airport | Lawton |
36 | AHF | Municipal Airport | McCook |
37 | AHH | Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
38 | AHN | Athens Airport | Atlanta |
39 | AHT | Amchitka Airport | Anadyr |
40 | AIA | Alliance Airport | Alliance |
41 | AIB | Anita Bay Airport | Wrangell |
42 | AID | Municipal Airport | Indianapolis |
43 | AIK | Municipal Airport | Augusta |
44 | AIN | Wainwright Airport | Atqasuk |
45 | AIO | Municipal Airport | Omaha |
46 | AIV | George Downer Airport | Columbus |
47 | AIY | Bader Field | Atlantic City |
48 | AIZ | Lee C Fine Memorial Airport | Fort Leonard Wood |
49 | AKB | Atka Airport | Saint Paul Island |
50 | AKC | Fulton International Airport | Akron |
51 | AKI | Akiak Airport | Akiachak |
52 | AKK | Akhiok SPB Airport | Alitak |
53 | AKN | King Salmon Airport | King Salmon |
54 | AKO | Colorado Plains Regional Airport | Scottsbluff |
55 | AKP | Anaktuvuk Airport | Nuiqsut |
56 | ALB | Albany International Airport | Albany |
57 | ALE | Alpine Airport | Carlsbad |
58 | ALH | Albany Airport | Albany |
59 | ALI | International Airport | Corpus Christi |
60 | ALM | Municipal Airport | El Paso |
61 | ALN | Alton Airport | Saint Louis |
62 | ALO | Waterloo Airport | Waterloo |
63 | ALS | Municipal Airport | Alamosa |
64 | ALW | Walla Walla Airport | Walla Walla |
65 | ALX | Thomas C Russell Field Airport | Birmingham |
66 | ALZ | Alitak SPB | Alitak |
67 | AMA | Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport | Amarillo |
68 | AMK | Animas Airpark Airport | Durango |
69 | AMN | Gratiot Community Airport | Lansing |
70 | AMW | Ames Airport | Des Moines |
71 | AMZ | Ardmore Airport | Auckland |
72 | ANA | John Wayne International | Santa Ana |
73 | ANB | Anniston Metropolitan Airport | Birmingham |
74 | ANC | Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport | Anchorage |
75 | AND | Anderson Airport | Indianapolis |
76 | ANI | Aniak Airport | Aniak |
77 | ANN | Annette Island Airport | Ketchikan |
78 | ANP | Lee Airport | Camp Springs |
79 | ANQ | Tri-State Steuben County Airport | Fort Wayne |
80 | ANV | Anvik Airport | Anvik |
81 | ANW | Ainsworth Airport | North Platte |
82 | ANY | Anthony Airport | Wichita |
83 | AOH | Allen County Airport | Dayton |
84 | AOO | Martinsburg Airport | Altoona |
85 | AOS | Amook Airport | Zachar Bay |
86 | APA | Centennial Airport | Denver |
87 | APC | Napa County Airport | Concord |
88 | APF | Naples Airport | Naples |
89 | APG | Phillips AAF | Baltimore |
90 | APH | Camp A P Hill Airport | Richmond |
91 | APN | Alpena County Regional Airport | Alpena |
92 | APT | Marion County Airport | Chattanooga |
93 | APV | Apple Valley Airport | Ontario |
94 | AQY | Girdwood Airport, Alyeska | Anchorage |
95 | ARA | Acadiana Regional Airport | Lafayette |
96 | ARB | Municipal Airport | Toledo |
97 | ARC | Arctic Village Airport | Fort Yukon |
98 | ARG | Callahan Landing Strip (Walnut Ridge) Airport | Jonesboro |
99 | ART | Watertown International Airport | Watertown |
100 | ARV | Noble F. Lee Airport | Rhinelander |
101 | ARX | Asbury Park Airport | New York |
102 | ASE | Aspen Airport | Aspen |
103 | ASH | Boire Field Airport | Manchester |
104 | ASL | Harrison County Airport | Longview |
105 | ASN | Talladega Airport | Birmingham |
106 | ASQ | Austin Airport | Elko |
107 | AST | Astoria Airport | Portland |
108 | ASX | Ashland Airport | Ironwood |
109 | ASY | Ashley Airport | Aberdeen |
110 | ATE | Antlers Airport | Fort Smith |
111 | ATK | Atqasuk Airport | Atqasuk |
112 | ATL | Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airport | Atlanta |
113 | ATO | Ohio University Airport | Parkersburg |
114 | ATS | Artesia Airport | Roswell |
115 | ATT | Atmautluak Airport | Atmautluak |
116 | ATU | Casco Cove Airport | Anadyr |
117 | ATW | Outagamie County Airport | Appleton |
118 | ATY | Watertown Regional Airport | Watertown |
119 | AUG | Augusta Airport | Augusta |
120 | AUK | Alakanuk Airport | Alakanuk |
121 | AUM | Austin Municipal Airport | Rochester |
122 | AUN | Auburn Airport | Sacramento |
123 | AUO | Auburn-Opelika Airport | Columbus |
124 | AUS | Austin-bergstrom International Airport | Austin |
125 | AUW | Wausau Downtown Airport | Wausau |
126 | AUZ | Municipal Airport | Chicago |
127 | AVL | Asheville Regional Airport | Asheville |
128 | AVO | Municipal Airport | Punta Gorda |
129 | AVP | Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport | Wilkes-Barre |
130 | AVW | Marana Regional Airport | Tucson |
131 | AVX | Avalon Bay Airport | Long Beach |
132 | AWM | Municipal Airport | Memphis |
133 | AXB | Alexandria Bay Airport | Watertown |
134 | AXG | Algona Airport | Fort Dodge |
135 | AXN | Alexandria Municipal Airport (Chandler Field) | Brainerd |
136 | AXS | Municipal Airport | Lawton |
137 | AXV | Neil Armstrong Airport | Dayton |
138 | AXX | Angel Fire Airport | Alamosa |
139 | AYE | AAF Heliport | Dallas |
140 | AYS | Ware County Airport | Brunswick |
141 | AYZ | Zahns | Ronkonkoma |
142 | AZA | Phoenix–Mesa Gateway Airport | Phoenix |
143 | AZO | Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport | Kalamazoo |
144 | BAB | Beale Air Force Base | Sacramento |
145 | BAD | Barksdale Air Force Base | Shreveport |
146 | BAF | Barnes Airport | Hartford |
147 | BAM | Lander County Airport | Elko |
148 | BAR | Baker AAF | Las Vegas |
149 | BBB | Municipal Airport | Watertown |
150 | BBC | Bay City Airport | Houston |
151 | BBD | Curtis Field Airport | Abilene |
152 | BBF | Burlington Airport | Boston |
153 | BBW | Broken Bow Airport | Kearney |
154 | BBX | Wings Field Airport | Philadelphia |
155 | BCB | Virginia Tech Airport | Roanoke |
156 | BCC | Bear Creek Airport | Tatalina |
157 | BCE | Bryce Airport | Cedar City |
158 | BCJ | Baca Grande Airport | Alamosa |
159 | BCS | Southern Seaplane Airport | New Orleans |
160 | BCT | Public Airport | Fort Lauderdale |
161 | BDE | Baudette Airport | International Falls |
162 | BDF | Rinkenberger Airport | Peoria |
163 | BDG | Blanding Airport | Cortez |
164 | BDL | Bradley International Airport | Hartford |
165 | BDR | Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport | New Haven |
166 | BDX | Broadus Airport | Gillette |
167 | BDY | State Airport | North Bend |
168 | BEC | Beech Factory Airport | Wichita |
169 | BED | Hanscom Field Airport | Boston |
170 | BEH | Ross Field Airport | South Bend |
171 | BEO | Lake Macquarie Airport (Belmont Airport) | Newcastle |
172 | BET | Bethel Airport | Bethel |
173 | BEX | RAF Benson | Montgomery |
174 | BFB | Blue Fox Bay Airport | Kitoi Bay |
175 | BFD | Bradford Airport | Bradford |
176 | BFF | Western Neb. Regional Airport | Scottsbluff |
177 | BFG | Bullfrog Basin Airport | Page |
178 | BFI | Boeing Field/King County International Airport | Seattle |
179 | BFK | Buffalo Municipal Airport | Dodge City |
180 | BFL | Meadows Field Airport | Bakersfield |
181 | BFM | Mobile Downtown Airport | Mobile |
182 | BFP | Beaver Falls Airport | Pittsburgh |
183 | BFR | Virgil I Grissom Municipalcipal Airport | Indianapolis |
184 | BFT | Bofort County Airport | Hilton Head |
185 | BGD | Borger Airport | Amarillo |
186 | BGE | Decatur County Airport | Tallahassee |
187 | BGM | Greater Binghamton Airport | Binghamton |
188 | BGQ | Big Lake Airport | Anchorage |
189 | BGR | Bangor International Airport | Bangor |
190 | BGS | Webb AFB | Albany |
191 | BGT | Bagdad Airport-E51 | Prescott |
192 | BHB | Bar Harbor Airport | Bar Harbor |
193 | BHM | Birmingham Airport | Birmingham |
194 | BHX | Birmingham International Airport | Birmingham |
195 | BIC | Big Creek Airport | Egegik |
196 | BID | Block Island Airport | Providence |
197 | BIE | Beatrice Airport | Lincoln |
198 | BIF | Biggs AAF | El Paso |
199 | BIG | Allen Army Airfield | Fairbanks |
200 | BIH | Bishop Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
201 | BIL | Billings Airport | Billings |
202 | BIS | Bismarck Airport | Bismarck |
203 | BIX | Keesler AFB | Gulfport |
204 | BJC | Jeffco Airport | Denver |
205 | BJI | Bemidji Airport | Bemidji |
206 | BJJ | Wayne County Airport | Akron |
207 | BKC | Buckland Airport | Buckland |
208 | BKD | Stephens County Airport | Abilene |
209 | BKE | Baker Airport | Pendleton |
210 | BKF | Lake Brooks SPB Airport | Igiugig |
211 | BKG | Branson Airport | Harrison |
212 | BKH | Barking Sands PMRF Airport | Kauai Island |
213 | BKL | Burke Lakefront | Cleveland |
214 | BKT | Allen C. Perkinson Blackstone Army Airfield | Richmond |
215 | BKW | Beckley Airport | Beckley |
216 | BKX | Brookings Airport | Watertown |
217 | BLD | Boulder City Airport | Las Vegas |
218 | BLF | Mercer County Airport | Wrightstown |
219 | BLH | Blythe Airport | Yuma |
220 | BLI | Bellingham Airport | Bellingham |
221 | BLM | Monmouth Executive Airport | Wrightstown |
222 | BLU | Blue Canyon Airport | Reno |
223 | BLV | Belleville Airport | Saint Louis |
224 | BLW | Bellows Field Airport | Honolulu |
225 | BMC | Brigham City Airport | Salt Lake City |
226 | BMG | Bloomington Airport | Indianapolis |
227 | BMI | Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-N | Bloomington |
228 | BMT | Beaumont Municipalcipal Airport | Beaumont |
229 | BMX | Big Mountain | Kokhanok |
230 | BNA | Nashville International Airport | Nashville |
231 | BNF | Warm Spring Bay SPB Airport | Sitka |
232 | BNG | Banning Airport | Palm Springs |
233 | BNH | Barnes Airport | Hartford |
234 | BNL | Barnwell Regional Airport | Augusta |
235 | BNO | Burns Airport | Pendleton |
236 | BNW | Boone Airport | Des Moines |
237 | BOF | Bolling AFB | Washington |
238 | BOI | Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field Airport | Boise |
239 | BOK | Brookings State Airport | Crescent City |
240 | BOS | Logan International Airport | Boston |
241 | BOW | Bartow Airport | Tampa |
242 | BPA | Grumman Airport | Ronkonkoma |
243 | BPI | Big Piney-marbleton Airport | Jackson |
244 | BPT | Jack Brooks Regional Airport | Beaumont |
245 | BQK | Glynco Jetport Airport | Brunswick |
246 | BQV | Bartlett SPB | Gustavus |
247 | BRD | Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport | Brainerd |
248 | BRF | Bradford Airport | Leeds |
249 | BRG | Municipal Airport | Bristol, VA/Johnson City/Kingsport |
250 | BRL | Southeast Iowa Regional Airport | Burlington |
251 | BRO | South Padre Is. International Airport | Brownsville |
252 | BRW | Wiley Post/W.Rogers M | Barrow |
253 | BRY | Samuels Field Airport | Louisville |
254 | BSF | Bradshaw AAF | Kailua-Kona |
255 | BSI | Blairsville Airport | Knoxville |
256 | BSQ | Bisbee Municipal Airport | Tucson |
257 | BSW | Boswell Bay | Cordova |
258 | BSZ | Bartletts Airport | Egegik |
259 | BTF | Salt Lake Skypark Airport | Salt Lake City |
260 | BTI | Barter Island Airport | Barter Island |
261 | BTL | WK Kellogg Regional Airport | Kalamazoo |
262 | BTM | Bert Mooney Airport | Butte |
263 | BTN | Bennettsville Airport | Florence |
264 | BTP | Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport (Butler County | Pittsburgh |
265 | BTR | Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport (Ryan) | Baton Rouge |
266 | BTT | Bettles Airport | Hughes |
267 | BTV | Burlington International Airport | Burlington |
268 | BTY | Beatty Airport | Las Vegas |
269 | BUB | Cram Field Municipal Airport | Kearney |
270 | BUF | Buffalo Niagara International Airport | Buffalo |
271 | BUM | Butler Airport | Pittsburgh |
272 | BUR | Bob Hope Airport | Burbank |
273 | BVD | Sea Port Airport | Dutch Harbor |
274 | BVO | Bartlesville Airport | Tulsa |
275 | BVU | Beluga Airport | Kenai |
276 | BVX | Municipal Airport | Jonesboro |
277 | BVY | Beverly Municipal Airport | Boston |
278 | BWC | Brawley Airport | Imperial |
279 | BWD | Brownwood Airport | Abilene |
280 | BWG | Warren County Airport | Richmond |
281 | BWI | Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall | Baltimore |
282 | BWL | Earl Henry Airport | Stillwater |
283 | BWM | Bowman Airport | Dickinson |
284 | BWS | Blaine Airport | Bellingham |
285 | BXA | George R Carr Airport | New Orleans |
286 | BXC | Sheraton Inn Heliport Airport | Worcester |
287 | BXK | Buckeye Municipal Airport | Phoenix |
288 | BXS | Borrego Springs Airport | Palm Springs |
289 | BYA | Boundary Airport | Yakutat |
290 | BYG | Johnson County Municipal Airport | Gillette |
291 | BYH | Arkansas International Airport | Jonesboro |
292 | BYI | Rupert Airport | Twin Falls |
293 | BYS | Bicycle Lake AAF | Palm Springs |
294 | BYW | Blakely Island Airport | Eastsound |
295 | BZN | Gallatin Field Airport | Belgrade |
296 | BZT | Hinkles Ferry Airport | Houston |
297 | CAD | Cadillac Airport | Traverse City |
298 | CAE | Columbia Metropolitan Airport | Columbia |
299 | CAK | Akron/canton Regional | Akron |
300 | CAO | Clayton Airport | Amarillo |
301 | CAR | Municipal Airport | Presque Isle |
302 | CBA | Corner Bay Airport | Tenakee Springs |
303 | CBE | Greater Cumberland Regional Airport | Johnstown |
304 | CBF | Council Bluffs Municipal Airport | Omaha |
305 | CBK | Colby Municipal Airpor Airport | McCook |
306 | CBM | Columbus AFB | Columbus |
307 | CBZ | Cabin Creek Airport | Hydaburg |
308 | CCB | Cable Airport | Ontario |
309 | CCG | Crane County Airport | Midland |
310 | CCR | Buchanan Field Airport | Concord |
311 | CCY | Northeast Iowa Regional Arprt-Ccy Airport | Waterloo |
312 | CDB | Cold Bay Airport | Cold Bay |
313 | CDC | Cedar City Airport | Cedar City |
314 | CDH | Harrell Field Airport | El Dorado |
315 | CDK | George T. Lewis Airport | Gainesville |
316 | CDL | Candle Airport | Buckland |
317 | CDN | Woodward Field Airport | Columbia |
318 | CDR | Chadron Airport | Chadron |
319 | CDS | Childress Airport | Amarillo |
320 | CDU | Camden Airport | Sydney |
321 | CDV | Merle K (Mudhole) Smith Airport | Cordova |
322 | CDW | Caldwell Wright Airport | Morristown |
323 | CEA | Cessna Aircraft Field | Wichita |
324 | CEC | Mc Namara Field Airport | Crescent City |
325 | CEF | Westover ARB/Metropolitan Airport | Hartford |
326 | CEM | Central Airport | Fort Yukon |
327 | CEU | Oconee County Airport | Greenville |
328 | CEV | Mettle Field Airport | Cincinnati |
329 | CEW | Bob Sikes Airport | Fort Walton Beach |
330 | CEX | Chena Hot Springs Airport | Fairbanks |
331 | CEY | Calloway County Airport | Paducah |
332 | CEZ | Montezuma County Airport | Cortez |
333 | CFA | Coffee Point Airport | Egegik |
334 | CFD | Coulter Field Airport | College Station |
335 | CFK | Chefornak Airport | Chlef |
336 | CFT | Morenci Airport | Silver City |
337 | CFV | Coffeyville Municipal Airport | Tulsa |
338 | CGA | Craig SPB Airport | Klawock |
339 | CGF | Cuyahoga County | Cleveland |
340 | CGI | Cape Girardeau Airport | Cape Girardeau |
341 | CGS | College Park Airport | Washington |
342 | CGX | Merrill C Meigs | Chicago |
343 | CGZ | Casa Grande Municipal Airport | Phoenix |
344 | CHA | Lovell Field Airport | Chattanooga |
345 | CHD | Williams Gateway Airport | Phoenix |
346 | CHK | Chickasha Municipal Airport | Oklahoma City |
347 | CHL | Challis Airport | Sun Valley |
348 | CHO | Albemarle Airport | Charlottesville |
349 | CHP | Circle Hot Springs Airport | Fort Yukon |
350 | CHS | Charleston International Airport / Charleston Air Force Base | Charleston |
351 | CHU | Chuathbaluk Airport | Chuathbaluk |
352 | CHZ | State Airport | Klamath Falls |
353 | CIA | Ciampino Airport | Rome |
354 | CIB | Ap In The Sky | Long Beach |
355 | CIC | Chico Airport | Chico |
356 | CID | Eastern Iowa Airport | Cedar Rapids |
357 | CIG | Craig-Moffat Airport | Hayden |
358 | CIK | Chalkyitsik Airport | Fort Yukon |
359 | CIL | Melsing Creek Airport | White Mountain |
360 | CIN | Carroll Airport | Fort Dodge |
361 | CIV | Chomley Airport | Ketchikan |
362 | CJN | Gillespie Field Airport | San Diego |
363 | CKA | Kegelman Af Airport | Stillwater |
364 | CKB | Benedum Airport | Clarksburg |
365 | CKD | Crooked Creek Airport | Chuathbaluk |
366 | CKE | Clear Lake Airport | Fort Wayne |
367 | CKK | Cherokee Airport | Stillwater |
368 | CKM | Fletcher Field Airport | Greenville |
369 | CKN | Municipal Airport | Thief River Falls |
370 | CKR | Crane Island Airport | Friday Harbor |
371 | CKU | Cordova Municipal Airport | Cordova |
372 | CKV | Outlaw Field Airport | Nashville |
373 | CKX | Chicken Airport | Fort Yukon |
374 | CLC | Metroport Airport | Houston |
375 | CLD | Mc Clellan-Palomar Airport | San Diego |
376 | CLE | Cleveland Hopkins International Airport | Cleveland |
377 | CLG | Coalinga Airport | Fresno |
378 | CLI | Clintonville Airport | Appleton |
379 | CLK | Clinton Regional Airport | Lawton |
380 | CLL | Easterwood Field Airport | College Station |
381 | CLM | Fairchild International Airport | Friday Harbor |
382 | CLP | Clarks Point Airport | Dillingham |
383 | CLR | Calipatria Airport | Imperial |
384 | CLS | Centralia Airport | Seattle |
385 | CLT | Charlotte Douglas Airport | Charlotte |
386 | CLU | Columbus Municipal Airport | Indianapolis |
387 | CLW | Clearwater Air Park | Tampa |
388 | CMH | John Glenn Columbus International Airport | Columbus |
389 | CMI | University Of Illinois Willard Airport | Champaign |
390 | CMX | Houghton County Airport | Hancock |
391 | CMY | Fort Mccoy Airport | La Crosse |
392 | CNE | Canon City Airport | Colorado Springs |
393 | CNH | Claremont Municipal Airport | Lebanon |
394 | CNM | Cavern City Air Terminal Airport | Carlsbad |
395 | CNO | Chino Airport | Ontario |
396 | CNU | Martin Johnson Airport | Joplin |
397 | CNW | TSTC Waco Airport | Waco |
398 | CNY | Canyonlands Field Airport | Moab |
399 | COA | Columbia Airport | Modesto |
400 | COD | Yellowstone Regional Airport | Cody |
401 | COF | Patrick AFB | Melbourne |
402 | COI | Merritt Island Airport | Melbourne |
403 | COM | Coleman Municipal Airport | Abilene |
404 | CON | Concord Municipal Airport | Manchester |
405 | COP | Cooperstown - Westville Airport | Albany |
406 | COS | Colorado Springs Airport | Colorado Springs |
407 | COT | Cotulla Airport | Laredo |
408 | COU | Columbia Regional Airport | Columbia |
409 | CPM | Compton Airport | Long Beach |
410 | CPR | Natrona County International Airport | Casper |
411 | CPS | St. Louis Downtown Airport | Saint Louis |
412 | CRE | Grand Strand Airport | Myrtle Beach |
413 | CRG | Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport | Jacksonville |
414 | CRO | Salyer Farms Airport | Fresno |
415 | CRP | Corpus Christi International Airport | Corpus Christi |
416 | CRS | Corsicana Airport | Dallas |
417 | CRT | Z M Jack Stell Field Airport | Monroe |
418 | CRW | Yeager Airport | Charleston |
419 | CRX | Roscoe Turner Airport | Tupelo |
420 | CSE | Crested Butte Airport | Gunnison |
421 | CSG | Columbus Metropolitan Airport | Columbus |
422 | CSL | O Sullivan Army Air Field Airport | Santa Maria |
423 | CSM | Sherman | Dallas |
424 | CSN | Carson City Airport | Reno |
425 | CSP | Coast Guard Heliport | Augusta |
426 | CSV | Memorial Airport | Chattanooga |
427 | CTB | Cut Bank Airport | Great Falls |
428 | CTH | Chestercounty Carlson Airport | Wilmington |
429 | CTK | Canton Airport | Sioux Falls |
430 | CTO | Peconic River Airport | Ronkonkoma |
431 | CTW | Cottonwood Airport | Prescott |
432 | CTX | Cortland Airport | Ithaca |
433 | CTY | Cross City Airport | Gainesville |
434 | CTZ | Sampson County Airport | Fayetteville |
435 | CUB | Jim Hamilton–L.B. Owens Airport | Columbia |
436 | CUH | Municipal Airport | Stillwater |
437 | CUS | Municipal Airport | Silver City |
438 | CUW | Cube Cove Airport | Juneau |
439 | CUX | Cuddihy Field | Corpus Christi |
440 | CVG | Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport | Cincinnati |
441 | CVN | Municipal Airport | Clovis |
442 | CVO | Corvallis Municipal Airport | Eugene |
443 | CVR | Hughes Airport | Hughes |
444 | CVS | Cannon AFB | Clovis |
445 | CWA | Central Wisconsin Airport | Wausau |
446 | CWG | Callaway Gardens Airport | Columbus |
447 | CWI | Clinton Airport | Moline |
448 | CWO | Ft Wolter AAF airport | Panama City |
449 | CWS | Center Island Airport | Friday Harbor |
450 | CXC | Chitina Airport | Cordova |
451 | CXF | Coldfoot Airport | Nuiqsut |
452 | CXL | Calexico International Airport | Imperial |
453 | CXO | Montgomery Co Airport | Houston |
454 | CYE | Crystal Lake Airport | Joplin |
455 | CYF | Chefornak SPB | Chefornak |
456 | CYM | Chatham SPB Airport | Tenakee Springs |
457 | CYS | Cheyenne Airport | Laramie |
458 | CYT | Yakataga Airport | Yakutat |
459 | CZC | Copper Centre Airport | Valdez |
460 | CZF | Cape Romanzof | Hooper Bay |
461 | CZK | Cascade Locks/Stevens Airport | Portland |
462 | CZN | Chisana Field Airport | Yakutat |
463 | CZO | Chistochina Airport | Valdez |
464 | CZP | Cape Pole Airport | Klawock |
465 | CZT | Carrizo Springs Airport | Laredo |
466 | CZZ | Campo Airport | Liberal |
467 | DAA | Davison AAF | Washington |
468 | DAB | Daytona Beach International Airport | Daytona Beach |
469 | DAG | Barstow-Daggett Airport | Palm Springs |
470 | DAL | Dallas Love Field | Dallas |
471 | DAN | Danville Regional Airport | Greensboro/High Point |
472 | DAY | James Cox Dayton International Airport | Dayton |
473 | DBN | Dublin Municipal Airport | Augusta |
474 | DBQ | Dubuque Regional Airport | Dubuque |
475 | DBS | Dubois Airport | Idaho Falls |
476 | DCA | Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport | Washington |
477 | DCK | Dahl Creek Airport | Kobuk |
478 | DCR | Decatur Hi-Way Airport | Fort Wayne |
479 | DCU | Pyor Airport | Huntsville |
480 | DDC | Dodge City Municipal Airport | Dodge City |
481 | DEC | Decatur Airport | Decatur |
482 | DEH | Decorah Municipal Airport | La Crosse |
483 | DEN | Denver International Centennial Airport | Denver |
484 | DEO | Hyatt Regency Heliport | Pittsburgh |
485 | DET | Detroit City Airport | Detroit |
486 | DFI | Defianse Memorial Airport | Fort Wayne |
487 | DFW | Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport | Dallas |
488 | DGB | Danger Bay Airport | Port Lions |
489 | DGL | Douglas Municipal Gene Chambers Airport | Valdosta |
490 | DGN | Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division | Imperial |
491 | DGO | Guadalupe Victoria Airport | Durango |
492 | DGW | Douglas Municipal Airport | Tucson |
493 | DHN | Dothan Regional Airport | Dothan |
494 | DHT | Larsen Aviation Dalhart Municipal Airport | Amarillo |
495 | DIK | Dickinson Airport | Dickinson |
496 | DIO | Diomede Island Airport | Wales |
497 | DJN | Delta Junction Airport | Fairbanks |
498 | DKK | Dunkirk Airport | Jamestown |
499 | DLF | Laughlin AFB | Del Rio |
500 | DLG | Dillingham Municipal Airport | Dillingham |
501 | DLH | Duluth International Airport | Duluth |
502 | DLL | Dillon County Airport | Florence |
503 | DLN | Dillon Airport | Butte |
504 | DLO | Dolomi Airport | Ketchikan |
505 | DLS | Columbia Gorge Regional/The Dalles Municipal Airpo | Yakima |
506 | DMA | Davis Monthan AFB | Tucson |
507 | DMN | Deming Airport | Silver City |
508 | DMO | Sedalia Airport | Columbia |
509 | DNL | Daniel Field | Augusta |
510 | DNN | Dalton Municipal Airport | Chattanooga |
511 | DNS | Denison Municipal Airport | Omaha |
512 | DNV | Vermilion County Airport | Champaign |
513 | DOF | Dora Bay Airport | Hydaburg |
514 | DOV | Dover AFB | Wilmington |
515 | DPA | Dupage County | Chicago |
516 | DPG | Michael Army Airfield | Salt Lake City |
517 | DPK | Deer Park Airport | Spokane |
518 | DRA | Desert Rock | Las Vegas |
519 | DRE | Drummond Island Airport | Sault Ste. Marie |
520 | DRF | Drift River Airport | Kenai |
521 | DRG | Deering Airport | Deering |
522 | DRI | Beauregard Parish Airport | Lake Charles |
523 | DRO | Durango–La Plata County Airport | Durango |
524 | DRT | Del Rio International Airport | Del Rio |
525 | DRU | Drummond Airport | Missoula |
526 | DSI | Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport | Destin |
527 | DSM | Des Moines International Airport | Des Moines |
528 | DSV | Dansville Airport | Rochester |
529 | DTA | Delta Municipal Airport | Provo |
530 | DTH | Furnace Creek Airport | Las Vegas |
531 | DTL | Detroit Lakes Municipal Airport | Fargo |
532 | DTN | Shreveport Downtown | Shreveport |
533 | DTR | Decatur Shores Airport | Friday Harbor |
534 | DTW | Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport | Detroit |
535 | DUA | Eaker Airport | Dallas |
536 | DUB | Dublin International Airport | Dublin |
537 | DUC | Halliburton Field Airport | Lawton |
538 | DUF | Pine Island Airport | Norfolk |
539 | DUG | Bisbee-Douglas International Airport | Tucson |
540 | DUJ | Du Bois-Jefferson County Airport | Bradford |
541 | DUQ | Duncan/Quam | Friday Harbor |
542 | DUT | Unalaska Airport / Emergency Field | Dutch Harbor |
543 | DVL | Devils Lake Airport | Devils Lake |
544 | DVN | Davenport Airport | Moline |
545 | DVT | Phoenix Deer Valley Airport | Phoenix |
546 | DWF | Wright AFB | Dayton |
547 | DWH | David Wayne Hooks | Houston |
548 | DWN | Downtown Airpark | Tulsa |
549 | DWS | Walt Disney World | Orlando |
550 | DXR | Danbury Municipal Airport | Westchester County |
551 | DYL | Doylestown Airport | Philadelphia |
552 | DYS | Dyess AFB | Abilene |
553 | EAA | Eagle Airport | Fort Yukon |
554 | EAN | Phifer Field Airport | Laramie |
555 | EAR | Kearney Airport | Kearney |
556 | EAT | Pangborn Field Airport | Wenatchee |
557 | EAU | Chippewa Valley Regional Airport | Eau Claire |
558 | EBR | Downtown | Kansas City |
559 | EBS | Webster City Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
560 | ECA | Iosco County Airport | Alpena |
561 | ECG | Elizabeth City Airport | Norfolk |
562 | ECS | Mondell Airport | Rapid City |
563 | EDA | Edna Bay Seaplane Base Airport | Klawock |
564 | EDE | Northeastern Regional Airport | Norfolk |
565 | EDF | Elmendorf AFB | Anchorage |
566 | EDG | Weide Ahp (Aberdeen Proving Ground) | Baltimore |
567 | EDK | Captain Jack Thomas/El Dorado Airport | Wichita |
568 | EDW | Edwards AFB | Burbank |
569 | EED | Needles Airport | Bullhead City |
570 | EEK | Eek airport | Eek |
571 | EEN | Dillant-Hopkins Airport | Lebanon |
572 | EFB | Eight Fathom Bight Airport | Hoonah |
573 | EFD | Ellington Field | Houston |
574 | EFK | Newport State Airport | Burlington |
575 | EFO | East Fork | Provo |
576 | EFW | Jefferson Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
577 | EGE | Eagle County Airport | Vail |
578 | EGI | Duke Field Airport | Fort Walton Beach |
579 | EGP | Maverick Co Airport | Del Rio |
580 | EGV | Eagle River Airport | Rhinelander |
581 | EGX | Egegik Airport | Egegik |
582 | EHM | Cape Newenham | Platinum |
583 | EHT | Rentschler Airport | Hartford |
584 | EIL | Eielson AFB | Fairbanks |
585 | EKA | Murray Field Airport | Arcata |
586 | EKI | Elkhart Municipal Airport | South Bend |
587 | EKN | Elkins Airport | Clarksburg |
588 | EKO | Elko Regional Airport | Elko |
589 | EKX | Elizabethtown Airport | Louisville |
590 | ELA | Eagle Lake Airport | Houston |
591 | ELD | Goodwin Field Airport | El Dorado |
592 | ELI | Elim Airport | Elim |
593 | ELK | Elk City Regional Business Airport | Lawton |
594 | ELM | Elmira Corning Regional Airport | Elmira |
595 | ELN | Bowers Field Airport | Yakima |
596 | ELP | El Paso International Airport | El Paso |
597 | ELV | Elfin Cove SPB | Elfin Cove |
598 | ELW | Ellamar Airport | Valdez |
599 | ELY | Yelland Airport | Elko |
600 | ELZ | Wellsville Municipal Airport (Tarantine Field) | Denver |
601 | EMK | Emmonak Airport | Emmonak |
602 | EMM | Kemerer Airport | Rock Springs |
603 | EMP | Emporia Airport | Manhattan |
604 | EMT | El Monte Airport | Los Angeles |
605 | ENA | Kenai Airport | Kenai |
606 | END | Vance AFB | Stillwater |
607 | ENL | Centralia Municipal Airport | Marion |
608 | ENN | Nenana Municipal Airport | Fairbanks |
609 | ENV | Wendover Airport | Elko |
610 | ENW | Kenosha Regional Airport | Milwaukee |
611 | EOK | Keokuk Airport | Burlington |
612 | EOS | Neosho Airport | Joplin |
613 | EPG | Browns Airport | Omaha |
614 | EPH | Ephrata Airport | Wenatchee |
615 | ERI | Erie International Airport (Tom Ridge Field) | Erie |
616 | ERO | Coast Guard Airport | Haines |
617 | ERR | Errol Airport | Portland |
618 | ERV | Kerrville Airport | San Antonio |
619 | ESC | Delta County Airport | Escanaba |
620 | ESD | Orcas Island Airport | Eastsound |
621 | ESF | Esler Airfield (Esler Regional Airport) | Alexandria |
622 | ESN | Easton Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
623 | ESO | Espanola Airport | Albuquerque |
624 | ESP | Stroudsburg–Pocono Airport | Allentown |
625 | EST | Estherville Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
626 | ESW | Easton State Airport | Yakima |
627 | ETB | West Bend Airport | Milwaukee |
628 | ETN | Eastland Municipal Airport | Abilene |
629 | ETS | Enterprise Municipal Airport | Dothan |
630 | EUE | Eureka Airport | Arcata |
631 | EUF | Weedon Field Airport | Columbus |
632 | EUG | Eugene Airport | Eugene |
633 | EVA | Ben Bruce Memorial Airpark Airport | Beaumont |
634 | EVM | Eveleth Airport | Hibbing |
635 | EVV | Evansville Regional Airport | Evansville |
636 | EVW | Evanston Airport | Salt Lake City |
637 | EWB | New Bedford Airport | New Bedford |
638 | EWD | Wildman Lake Airport | Port Moller |
639 | EWK | Newton City/County Airport | Wichita |
640 | EWN | Simmons Nott Airport | New Bern |
641 | EWR | Newark Liberty International Airport | New York |
642 | EXI | Excursion Inlet Seaplane Base | Excursion Inlet |
643 | EYR | Yerington Airport | Reno |
644 | EYW | Key West International Airport | Key West |
645 | FAF | Felker AAF | Newport News |
646 | FAI | Fairbanks International Airport | Fairbanks |
647 | FAK | False Island Airport | Tenakee Springs |
648 | FAL | Falcon State Airport | McAllen |
649 | FAM | Farmington Regional Airport | Saint Louis |
650 | FAR | Hector Field Airport | Fargo |
651 | FAT | Fresno Yosemite International Airport | Fresno |
652 | FAY | Fayetteville Regional Airport (Grannis Field) | Fayetteville |
653 | FBG | Simmons AAF | Fayetteville |
654 | FBK | Ladd Army Airfield | Fairbanks |
655 | FBL | Faribault Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
656 | FBR | Fort Bridger Airport | Vernal |
657 | FBS | Friday Harbor SPB Airport | Friday Harbor |
658 | FBY | Fairbury Municipal Airport | Lincoln |
659 | FCA | Glacier Park International Airport | Kalispell |
660 | FCH | Fresno-Chandler | Fresno |
661 | FCM | Flying Cloud | Minneapolis |
662 | FCO | Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) Airport | Rome |
663 | FCS | Butts AAF | Colorado Springs |
664 | FCY | Forrest City Municipal Airport | Memphis |
665 | FDK | Frederick Municipal Airport | Hagerstown |
666 | FDR | Frederick Regional Airport | Lawton |
667 | FDY | Findlay Airport | Toledo |
668 | FEP | Albertus Airport | Madison |
669 | FET | Fremont Municipal Airport | Omaha |
670 | FEW | Warren AFB | Laramie |
671 | FFA | First Flight Airport | Norfolk |
672 | FFL | Fairfield Municipal Airport | Cedar Rapids |
673 | FFM | Fergus Falls Airport | Fargo |
674 | FFO | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base | Dayton |
675 | FFT | Capital City Airport | Lexington |
676 | FHU | Sierra Vista Municipal Airport | Tucson |
677 | FIC | Fire Cove Airport | Ketchikan |
678 | FID | Elizabeth Field Airport | Providence |
679 | FIL | Fillmore Municipal Airport | Provo |
680 | FIT | Fitchburg Municipal Airport | Worcester |
681 | FIV | Five Finger Airport | Kake |
682 | FKL | Chess-Lambertin Airport | Franklin |
683 | FKN | Franklin Municipal–John Beverly Rose Airport | Franklin |
684 | FLD | Fond Du Lac Airport | Appleton |
685 | FLE | Fort Lee AAF | Newport News |
686 | FLG | Flagstaff Pulliam Airport | Flagstaff |
687 | FLJ | Falls Bay Airport | Valdez |
688 | FLL | Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport | Fort Lauderdale |
689 | FLO | Florence Regional Airport | Florence |
690 | FLP | Flippin Airport | Harrison |
691 | FLR | Peretola Airport | Florence |
692 | FLT | Flat Airport | Chuathbaluk |
693 | FLV | Sherman Army Airfield | Kansas City |
694 | FLX | Fallon Municipal Airport | Reno |
695 | FMC | Five Mile | Joplin |
696 | FME | Tipton AAF | Baltimore |
697 | FMH | Otis Air National Guard Base | Hyannis |
698 | FMN | Four Corners Regional Airport | Farmington |
699 | FMS | Fort Madison Municipal Airport | Burlington |
700 | FMY | Page Field Airport | Fort Myers |
701 | FNK | Fin Creek Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
702 | FNL | Fort Collins–Loveland Municipal Airport | Denver |
703 | FNR | Funter Bay Seaplane Base | Juneau |
704 | FNT | Bishop International Airport | Flint |
705 | FOB | Fort Bragg Airport | Fayetteville |
706 | FOD | Fort Dodge Regional Airport | Fort Dodge |
707 | FOE | Topeka Regional Airport | Manhattan |
708 | FOK | Suffolk County Airport | Ronkonkoma |
709 | FOP | Morris AAF | Manhattan |
710 | FOX | General William J. Fox Airfield | Burbank |
711 | FPO | Grand Bahama International Airport | Freeport |
712 | FPR | St Lucie County Airport | Vero Beach |
713 | FPY | Perry-Foley Airport | Valdosta |
714 | FRD | Friday Harbor Airport | Friday Harbor |
715 | FRG | Republic Field Airport | Ronkonkoma |
716 | FRH | French Lick Municipal Airport | Louisville |
717 | FRI | Marshall AAF | Manhattan |
718 | FRM | Fairmont Airport | Fort Dodge |
719 | FRN | Bryant AAF | Little Rock |
720 | FRP | Fresh Water Bay Airport | Tenakee Springs |
721 | FRR | Front Royal-Warren County Airport | Charlottesville |
722 | FRY | Fryeburg Airport | Portland |
723 | FSD | Joe Foss Field Airport | Sioux Falls |
724 | FSI | Henry Post Army Airfield (Fort Sill) | Lawton |
725 | FSK | Fort Scott Municipal Airport | Joplin |
726 | FSM | Fort Smith Regional Airport | Fort Smith |
727 | FST | Pecos County Airport | Midland |
728 | FSU | Fort Sumner Airport | Clovis |
729 | FTG | Front Range Airport | Denver |
730 | FTK | Godman Army Airfield | Louisville |
731 | FTL | Fortuna Ledge Airport | Marshall |
732 | FTW | Fort Worth Meacham International Airport | Dallas |
733 | FTY | Fulton County Airport (Charlie Brown Field) | Atlanta |
734 | FUL | Fullerton Municipal Airport | Long Beach |
735 | FWA | Fort Wayne International Airport | Fort Wayne |
736 | FWH | Fort Worth NAS Jrb/Carswell Field | Dallas |
737 | FWL | Farewell Airport | McGrath |
738 | FXM | Flaxman Island Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
739 | FXY | Forest City Municipal Airport | Mason City |
740 | FYM | Fayetteville Municipal Airport | Huntsville |
741 | FYU | Fort Yukon Airport | Fort Yukon |
742 | FYV | Fayetteville - Drake Field airport | Fort Smith |
743 | GAB | Gabbs Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
744 | GAD | Northeast Alabama Regional Airport | Birmingham |
745 | GAG | Gage Airport | Liberal |
746 | GAI | Montgomery County Airpark | Washington |
747 | GAK | Gakona Airport | Valdez |
748 | GAL | Galena Airport | Galena |
749 | GAM | Gambell Airport | Gambell |
750 | GBD | Great Bend Airport | Hays |
751 | GBG | Galesburg Airport | Moline |
752 | GBH | Galbraith Lake Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
753 | GBO | Baltimore Greenbelt T Airport | Baltimore |
754 | GBR | Walter J. Koladza Airport | Albany |
755 | GCC | Campbell County Airport | Gillette |
756 | GCK | Garden City Municipal Airport | Garden City |
757 | GCN | Grand Canyon National Park Airport | Flagstaff |
758 | GCY | Greeneville–Greene County Municipal Airport | Bristol, VA/Johnson City/Kingsport |
759 | GDC | Donaldson Center | Greenville |
760 | GDH | Golden Horn Lodge SPB Airport | Dillingham |
761 | GDM | Gardner Municipal Airport | Worcester |
762 | GDV | Dawson Community Airport | Glendive |
763 | GDW | Gladwin Airport | Saginaw |
764 | GED | Delaware Coastal Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
765 | GEG | Spokane International Airport | Spokane |
766 | GEK | Ganes Creek Airport | Tatalina |
767 | GEU | Glendale Municipal Airport | Phoenix |
768 | GEY | South Big Horn County Airport | Cody |
769 | GFA | Malmstrom AFB | Great Falls |
770 | GFB | Togiak Fish Airport | Platinum |
771 | GFD | Pope Vintage Airport | Indianapolis |
772 | GFK | Grand Forks International Airport | Grand Forks |
773 | GFL | Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport | Rutland |
774 | GGE | Georgetown County Airport | Myrtle Beach |
775 | GGG | East Texas Regional Airport | Longview |
776 | GGW | Glasgow Valley County International Airport / Woka | Glasgow |
777 | GHM | Centerville Municipal Airport | Nashville |
778 | GIF | Gilbert Field Airport | Orlando |
779 | GJT | Walker Field Airport | Grand Junction |
780 | GKN | Gulkana Airport | Valdez |
781 | GKT | Gatlinburg Airport | Knoxville |
782 | GLA | Glasgow International Airport | Glasgow |
783 | GLD | Renner Field Airport | McCook |
784 | GLE | Gainesville Municipal Airport | Dallas |
785 | GLH | Mid-Delta Regional Airport | Greenville |
786 | GLQ | Glennallen Airport | Valdez |
787 | GLR | Otsego County Airport | Pellston |
788 | GLS | Scholes Field Airport | Houston |
789 | GLV | Golovin Airport | Golovin |
790 | GLW | Glasgow Municipal Airport | Nashville |
791 | GMT | Granite Mountain | Gunnison |
792 | GMU | Greenville Downtown | Greenville |
793 | GMV | Monument Valley | Page |
794 | GNG | Gooding Airport | Twin Falls |
795 | GNT | Grants-Milan Municipal Airport | Albuquerque |
796 | GNU | Goodnews Bay Airport | Platinum |
797 | GNV | Gainesville Regional Airport | Gainesville |
798 | GOK | Guthrie Airport | Oklahoma City |
799 | GOL | Gold Beach Municipal Airport (FAA: 4S1) | Crescent City |
800 | GON | New London Airport | Providence |
801 | GPT | Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport | Gulfport |
802 | GPZ | Grand Rapids–Itasca County Airport (Gordon Newstro | Hibbing |
803 | GQQ | Galion Airport | Columbus |
804 | GRB | Austin-straubel Field Airport | Green Bay |
805 | GRD | Greenwood County Airport | Greenville |
806 | GRE | Municipal Airport | Saint Louis |
807 | GRF | Gray Army Airfield | Seattle |
808 | GRI | Grand Island Airport | Grand Island |
809 | GRK | Killeen–Fort Hood Regional Airport / Robert Gray Army Airfield | Killeen |
810 | GRM | Devils Track Airport | Ironwood |
811 | GRN | Gordon Airport | Chadron |
812 | GRR | Gerald R. Ford International Airport | Grand Rapids |
813 | GSB | Seymour Johnson AFB | Richlands |
814 | GSH | Goshen Airport | South Bend |
815 | GSO | Piedmont Triad International Airport | Greensboro/High Point |
816 | GSP | Greenville Spartanburg International Airport | Greenville |
817 | GST | Gustavus Airport | Gustavus |
818 | GTF | Great Falls International Airport | Great Falls |
819 | GTG | Grantsburg Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
820 | GTR | Golden Triangle Regional Airport | Columbus |
821 | GTY | Gettysburg Regional Airport | Hagerstown |
822 | GUC | Gunnison Airport | Gunnison |
823 | GUF | Edwards Airport | Pensacola |
824 | GUP | Senator Clark Airport | Farmington |
825 | GUY | Guymon Airport | Liberal |
826 | GVE | Gordonsville Municipal Airport | Charlottesville |
827 | GVL | Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport | Atlanta |
828 | GVT | Majors Field Airport | Dallas |
829 | GVW | Richards-Gebaur Airport | Kansas City |
830 | GWO | Leflore Airport | Greenville |
831 | GWS | Glenwood Springs Airport | Aspen |
832 | GWV | Glendale Fokker Field | Clarksburg |
833 | GXY | Greeley–Weld County Airport | Denver |
834 | GYR | Phoenix Goodyear Airport | Phoenix |
835 | GYY | Gary/Chicago International Airport | Chicago |
836 | HAB | Marion County Airport | Muscle Shoals |
837 | HAE | Havasupai Airport | Flagstaff |
838 | HAF | Half Moon Airport | San Francisco |
839 | HAI | Dr Haines Airport | Kalamazoo |
840 | HAO | Butler County Regional Airport | Cincinnati |
841 | HAR | Capital City Airport | Middletown |
842 | HAX | Hatbox Field Airport | Tulsa |
843 | HAY | Haycock Airport | Koyuk |
844 | HBB | Hobbs Industrial Airpark | Hobbs |
845 | HBE | Borg el Arab | Alexandria |
846 | HBG | The Hattiesburg-Bobby L. Chain Mun. | Laurel |
847 | HBH | Hobart Bay Airport | Kake |
848 | HBO | Humboldt Municipal Airport | Lincoln |
849 | HBV | Jim Hogg County Airport | Laredo |
850 | HCA | Big Spring McMahon–Wrinkle Airport | Midland |
851 | HCB | Shoal Cove Airport | Ketchikan |
852 | HCC | Columbia County Airport | Albany |
853 | HCR | Holy Cross Airport | Holy Cross |
854 | HCW | Cheraw Airport | Florence |
855 | HDA | Hidden Falls Airport | Sitka |
856 | HDE | Brewster Field Airport | Kearney |
857 | HDH | Dillingham Airfield Airport | Honolulu |
858 | HDN | Yampa Valley Airport | Hayden |
859 | HED | Herendeen Airport | Port Moller |
860 | HEE | Thompson-Robbins Airport | Memphis |
861 | HES | Hermiston Municipal Airport | Pendleton |
862 | HEY | Hanchey Army Heliport | Dothan |
863 | HEZ | Hardy-Anders Airport | Monroe |
864 | HFD | Hartford–Brainard Airport | Hartford |
865 | HFF | Mackall Army Airfield | Fayetteville |
866 | HFY | Greenwood Municipal Airport | Indianapolis |
867 | HGR | Hagerstown Regional Airport | Hagerstown |
868 | HGT | Hunter AAF | Savannah |
869 | HGZ | Hog River Airport | Huslia |
870 | HHH | Hilton Head Airport | Hilton Head |
871 | HHI | Wheeler AFB | Honolulu |
872 | HHR | Hawthorne Municipal Airport / Jack Northrop Field | Los Angeles |
873 | HIB | Chisholm Airport | Hibbing |
874 | HIE | Mount Washington Regional Airport | Lebanon |
875 | HIF | Hill AFB | Salt Lake City |
876 | HII | Lake Havasu City Airport | Bullhead City |
877 | HIK | Hickam AFB | Honolulu |
878 | HIO | Hillsboro Airport (Portland–Hillsboro Airport) | Portland |
879 | HKA | Blytheville Municipal Airport | Memphis |
880 | HKB | Healy Lake Airport | Fairbanks |
881 | HKS | Hawkins Field | Jackson |
882 | HKY | Hickory Airport | Charlotte |
883 | HLB | Hillenbrand Airport | Cincinnati |
884 | HLC | Hill City Airport | Hays |
885 | HLG | Wheeling Ohio County Airport | Pittsburgh |
886 | HLI | Hollister Airport | Monterey |
887 | HLM | Park Township Airport | Muskegon |
888 | HLN | Helena Regional Airport | Helena |
889 | HLR | Hood Army Airfield | Killeen |
890 | HMN | Holloman AFB | El Paso |
891 | HMT | Hemet-Ryan Airport | Palm Springs |
892 | HNB | Huntingburg Airport | Owensboro |
893 | HNC | Hatteras Airport | New Bern |
894 | HNE | Tahneta Pass Airport | Valdez |
895 | HNH | Hoonah Airport | Hoonah |
896 | HNL | Honolulu International Airport | Honolulu |
897 | HNM | Hana Airport | Hana |
898 | HNS | Haines Airport | Haines |
899 | HNX | Hanna Airport | Havre |
900 | HOB | Lea County Regional Airport | Hobbs |
901 | HOL | Holikachu Airport | Shageluk |
902 | HOM | Homer Airport | Homer |
903 | HON | Howes Airport | Aberdeen |
904 | HOP | Campbell AAF | Nashville |
905 | HOT | Memorial Field Airport | Hot Springs |
906 | HOU | William P. Hobby Airport | Houston |
907 | HPB | Hooper Bay Airport | Hooper Bay |
908 | HPT | Hampton Municipal Airport | Mason City |
909 | HPV | Princeville Airport | Kauai Island |
910 | HPY | Baytown Airport | Houston |
911 | HQM | Bowerman Airport | Seattle |
912 | HRL | Valley International Airport | Harlingen |
913 | HRO | Boone County Airport | Harrison |
914 | HSB | Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport | Marion |
915 | HSH | Henderson Executive Airport | Las Vegas |
916 | HSI | Hastings Airport | Grand Island |
917 | HSL | Huslia Airport | Huslia |
918 | HSP | Ingalls Field Airport | Lewisburg |
919 | HST | AFB | Miami |
920 | HSV | Huntsville International - Carl T. Jones Field Air | Huntsville |
921 | HTH | Hawthorne Industrial Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
922 | HTL | Roscommon County Airport | Traverse City |
923 | HTO | East Hampton Airport | New Haven |
924 | HTS | Tri-state/Milton Airport | Huntington |
925 | HTW | Lawrence County Airpark Airport | Huntington |
926 | HUA | Redstone AAF | Huntsville |
927 | HUD | Humboldt Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
928 | HUF | Hulman Field Airport | Indianapolis |
929 | HUJ | Hugo Airport | Texarkana |
930 | HUL | Houlton International Airport | Presque Isle |
931 | HUM | Terrebonne Airport | New Orleans |
932 | HUS | Hughes Airport | Hughes |
933 | HUT | Hutchinson Airport | Amarillo |
934 | HVE | Hanksville Airport | Moab |
935 | HVN | New Haven Airport | New Haven |
936 | HVR | Havre City County Airport | Havre |
937 | HVS | Hartsville Regional Airport | Florence |
938 | HWD | Hayward Executive Airport | Hayward |
939 | HWI | Hawk Inlet Seaplane Base | Juneau |
940 | HWO | North Perry Airport | Fort Lauderdale |
941 | HXD | Hilton Head Airport | Hilton Head |
942 | HYA | Barnstable Airport | Hyannis |
943 | HYG | Hydaburg Seaplane Base | Hydaburg |
944 | HYL | Hollis Clark Bay Seaplane Base | Hydaburg |
945 | HYR | Sawyer County Airport | Duluth |
946 | HYS | Hays Regional Airport | Hays |
947 | HZL | Hazleton Airport | Wilkes-Barre |
948 | IAB | McConnell Air Force Base | Wichita |
949 | IAD | Washington Dulles International | Washington |
950 | IAG | Niagara Falls International Airport | Niagara Falls |
951 | IAH | George Bush Intercontinental | Houston |
952 | IAN | Bob Barker Memorial Airport | Kiana |
953 | ICL | Schenck Field | Omaha |
954 | ICT | Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport | Wichita |
955 | ICY | Icy Bay Airport | Yakutat |
956 | IDA | Fanning Field Airport | Idaho Falls |
957 | IDG | Ida Grove Municipal Airport | Sioux City |
958 | IDI | ndiana County Airport (Jimmy Stewart Field) | Johnstown |
959 | IDP | Independence Municipal Airport | Tulsa |
960 | IFA | Iowa Falls Airport | Mason City |
961 | IFP | Laughlin Bullhead International Airport | Bullhead City |
962 | IGG | Igiugig Airport | Igiugig |
963 | IGM | Kingman Airport | Bullhead City |
964 | IJX | Jacksonville Municipal Airport | Springfield |
965 | IKB | Wilkes County Airport | Winston-Salem |
966 | IKK | Greater Kankakee Airport | Chicago |
967 | IKO | Nikolski AFS | Nikolski |
968 | ILE | Skylark Field | Killeen |
969 | ILG | Greater Wilmington Airport | Wilmington |
970 | ILI | Iliamna Airport | Iliamna |
971 | ILL | Willmar Municipal Airport (John L. Rice Field) | Brainerd |
972 | ILM | Wilmington International Airport | Wilmington |
973 | ILN | Wilmington Air Park | Dayton |
974 | IML | Imperial Airport | McCook |
975 | IMM | Immokalee Airport | Naples |
976 | IMT | Ford Airport | Iron Mountain |
977 | IND | Indianapolis International Airport | Indianapolis |
978 | INK | Wink Airport | Hobbs |
979 | INL | Falls International Airport | International Falls |
980 | INS | Creech Air Force Base | Las Vegas |
981 | INT | Smith-Reynolds Airport | Winston-Salem |
982 | INW | Winslow-Lindbergh Airport | Show Low |
983 | IOW | Iowa City Airport | Cedar Rapids |
984 | IPL | Imperial County Airport | Imperial |
985 | IPT | Lycoming County Airport | Williamsport |
986 | IRB | Iraan Municipal Airport | Midland |
987 | IRC | Circle City Airport | Fort Yukon |
988 | IRK | Kirksville Regional Airport | Kirksville |
989 | IRS | Kirsch Municipal Airport | Kalamazoo |
990 | ISC | St Marys Airport | Montgomery |
991 | ISM | Kissimmee Gateway Airport | Orlando |
992 | ISN | Sloulin Field International Airport | Williston |
993 | ISO | Stallings Field Airport | Greenville |
994 | ISP | Long Island Mac Arthur Airport | Ronkonkoma |
995 | ISQ | Schoolcraft County Airport | Escanaba |
996 | ISS | Wiscasset Airport | Augusta |
997 | ISW | Alexander Field Airport | Wausau |
998 | ITH | Tompkins County Airport | Ithaca |
999 | ITO | Hilo International Airport | Hilo |
1000 | IVH | Ivishak Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
1001 | IWD | Gogebic County Airport | Ironwood |
1002 | IWS | West Houston | Houston |
1003 | IYK | Inyokern Airport | Bakersfield |
1004 | JAC | Jackson Hole Airport | Jackson |
1005 | JAJ | Perimeter Mall | Atlanta |
1006 | JAN | Jackson–Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport | Jackson |
1007 | JAS | Jasper County Airport (Bell Field) | Chattanooga |
1008 | JAX | Jacksonville | Jacksonville |
1009 | JBK | Berkeley Airport | Emeryville |
1010 | JBR | Jonesboro Airport | Jonesboro |
1011 | JBT | Bethel Seaplane Base | Bethel |
1012 | JCI | New Century Aircenter Airport | Kansas City |
1013 | JCT | Kimble County Airport | Del Rio |
1014 | JCY | LBJ Ranch Airport | San Antonio |
1015 | JDA | John Day Airport | Pendleton |
1016 | JDN | Jordan Airport | Glasgow |
1017 | JEF | Jefferson City Memorial Airport | Columbia |
1018 | JFK | John F Kennedy International Airport | New York |
1019 | JFN | Ashtabula Airport | Erie |
1020 | JGL | Galleria Heliport | Atlanta |
1021 | JHM | Kapalua West Maui Airport | Kapalua |
1022 | JHW | Jamestown Airport | Jamestown |
1023 | JKV | Cherokee County Airport | Tyler |
1024 | JLA | Quartz Creek Airport | Anchorage |
1025 | JLH | US Army Heliport | Dothan |
1026 | JLN | Joplin Regional Airport | Joplin |
1027 | JMC | Marin County Airport | San Francisco |
1028 | JMS | Jamestown Airport | Jamestown |
1029 | JNU | Juneau International Airport | Juneau |
1030 | JOT | Joliet Regional Airport | Chicago |
1031 | JQF | Concord Regional Airport | Charlotte |
1032 | JRA | West 30th St Heliport | New York |
1033 | JRB | Downtown Manhattan Heliport | New York |
1034 | JSD | Sikorsky Heliport | New Haven |
1035 | JST | Cambria County Airport | Johnstown |
1036 | JVI | Central Jersey Regional Airport | Morristown |
1037 | JVL | Rock County Airport | Madison |
1038 | JVY | Clark Regional Airport | Louisville |
1039 | JXN | Reynolds Municipal Airport | Lansing |
1040 | KAE | Kake Airport | Kake |
1041 | KAL | Kaltag Airport | Kaltag |
1042 | KBC | Birch Creek Airport | Fort Yukon |
1043 | KBE | Hot Springs SPB Airport | Ketchikan |
1044 | KBK | Klag Bay Airport | Sitka |
1045 | KBW | Chignik Bay Seaplane Base | Egegik |
1046 | KCC | Coffman Cove SPB Airport | Klawock |
1047 | KCG | Fisheries | Egegik |
1048 | KCL | Chignik Lagoon Airport (Chignik Flats Airport) | Port Moller |
1049 | KCN | Chernofski Harbor Seaplane Base | Dutch Harbor |
1050 | KCQ | Chignik Lake Airport | Egegik |
1051 | KCR | Colorado Creek Airport | Tatalina |
1052 | KDK | Kodiak Municipal Airport | Kodiak |
1053 | KEB | Nanwalek Airport | Homer |
1054 | KEH | Kenmore Air Harbor Airport | Seattle |
1055 | KEK | Ekwok Airport | King Salmon |
1056 | KFP | False Pass Airport | Cold Bay |
1057 | KGK | New Koliganek Airport | King Salmon |
1058 | KGX | Grayling Airport | Grayling |
1059 | KGZ | Glacier Creek Airport | Yakutat |
1060 | KIB | SPB Airport | Port Moller |
1061 | KIC | Mesa Del Rey Airport | Monterey |
1062 | KIP | Kickapoo Airport | Wichita Falls |
1063 | KKA | Koyuk Airport | Koyuk |
1064 | KKB | Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base | Kitoi Bay |
1065 | KKF | Kagvik Creek | Kivalina |
1066 | KKH | Kongiganak Airport | Kongiganak |
1067 | KKI | Akiachak Airport | Akiachak |
1068 | KKK | Kalakaket Creek Air Station | Galena |
1069 | KKL | Karluk Lake SPB Airport | Larsen Bay |
1070 | KKT | Kentland Airport | Champaign |
1071 | KKU | Ekuk Airport | Dillingham |
1072 | KLG | Kalskag Airport | Kalskag |
1073 | KLL | Levelock Airport | King Salmon |
1074 | KLN | Larsen Bay Airport | Larsen Bay |
1075 | KLP | Kelp Bay Airport | Tenakee Springs |
1076 | KLS | Longview Airport | Portland |
1077 | KLW | Klawock Airport | Klawock |
1078 | KMO | Manokotak SPB Airport | Dillingham |
1079 | KMY | Moser Bay Airport | Olga Bay |
1080 | KNB | Kanab Airport | Flagstaff |
1081 | KNK | Kakhonak Airport | Kokhanok |
1082 | KNT | Kennett Memorial Airport | Jonesboro |
1083 | KNW | New Stuyahok Airport | King Salmon |
1084 | KOA | Kona International Airport | Kailua-Kona |
1085 | KOT | Kotlik Airport | Kotlik |
1086 | KOY | Olga Bay SPB | Olga Bay |
1087 | KOZ | Ouzinkie Airport | Ouzinkie |
1088 | KPB | Point Baker SPB Airport | Kake |
1089 | KPC | Port Clarence | Teller Mission |
1090 | KPD | King Of Prussia Airport | Philadelphia |
1091 | KPH | Pauloff Harbor SPB | Cold Bay |
1092 | KPK | Parks SPB Airport | King Salmon |
1093 | KPN | Kipnuk SPB | Kipnuk |
1094 | KPR | Port Williams Seaplane Base | Port Williams |
1095 | KPT | Jackpot Airport | Twin Falls |
1096 | KPV | Perryville SPB Airport | Port Moller |
1097 | KPY | Port Bailey SPB | Port Bailey |
1098 | KQA | Akutan Airport | Dutch Harbor |
1099 | KSM | Saint Marys Airport | Saint Mary's |
1100 | KSR | Federal No 1 Airport | Port Moller |
1101 | KTB | Thorne Bay Airport | Hydaburg |
1102 | KTH | Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base | Dillingham |
1103 | KTN | Ketchikan International Airport | Ketchikan |
1104 | KTS | Brevig Mission Airport | Teller Mission |
1105 | KUK | Kasigluk Airport | Kasigluk |
1106 | KUY | Kamusi Airport | Larsen Bay |
1107 | KVC | King Cove Airport | Cold Bay |
1108 | KVL | Kivalina Airport | Kivalina |
1109 | KWF | Waterfall SPB Airport | Klawock |
1110 | KWK | Kwigillingok Airport | Kwigillingok |
1111 | KWN | Kwinhagak Airport | Quinhagak |
1112 | KWP | West Point Village Seaplane Base | West Point |
1113 | KWT | Kwethluk Airport | Kwethluk |
1114 | KXA | Kasaan SPB Airport | Hydaburg |
1115 | KYK | Karluk Airport | Larsen Bay |
1116 | KYL | Port Largo Airport | Miami |
1117 | KYO | Tampa North Aero Park | Tampa |
1118 | KYU | Koyukuk Airport | Koyukuk |
1119 | KZB | Zachar Bay SPB | Zachar Bay |
1120 | KZH | Kizhuyak Airport | Port Bailey |
1121 | LAA | Lamar Field Airport | Pueblo |
1122 | LAF | Purdue University Airport | Indianapolis |
1123 | LAL | Lakeland Linder Regional Airport | Tampa |
1124 | LAM | Los Alamos Airport | Albuquerque |
1125 | LAN | Capital City Airport | Lansing |
1126 | LAR | General Brees Field Airport | Laramie |
1127 | LAS | McCarran International Airport | Las Vegas |
1128 | LAW | Lawton–Fort Sill Regional Airport | Lawton |
1129 | LAX | Los Angeles International Airport | Los Angeles |
1130 | LBB | Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport | Lubbock |
1131 | LBE | Westmoreland County Airport | Latrobe |
1132 | LBF | Lee Bird Field Airport | North Platte |
1133 | LBL | Liberal Mid-America Regional Airport | Liberal |
1134 | LBT | Lumberton Municipal Airport | Fayetteville |
1135 | LCH | Lake Charles Regional Airport | Lake Charles |
1136 | LCI | Laconia Municipal Airport | Manchester |
1137 | LCK | Rickenbacker | Columbus |
1138 | LDJ | Linden Airport | Morristown |
1139 | LDM | Mason County Airport | Manistee |
1140 | LEB | Lebanon Municipal Airport | Lebanon |
1141 | LEE | Leesburg Airport | Orlando |
1142 | LEM | Lemmon Airport | Dickinson |
1143 | LEW | Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport | Portland |
1144 | LEX | Blue Grass Airport | Lexington |
1145 | LFI | Langley AFB | Newport News |
1146 | LFK | Lufkin Angelina County Airport | Longview |
1147 | LFN | Triangle North Executive Airport (Franklin County | Raleigh/Durham |
1148 | LFT | Lafayette Regional Airport | Lafayette |
1149 | LGA | LaGuardia Airport | New York |
1150 | LGB | Long Beach Airport | Long Beach |
1151 | LGC | Calloway Airport | Columbus |
1152 | LGD | La Grande Airport | Walla Walla |
1153 | LGF | Laguna AAF | Yuma |
1154 | LGU | Logan-Cache Airport | Salt Lake City |
1155 | LHB | Lost Harbor Sea Port Airport | Dutch Harbor |
1156 | LHM | Lincoln Regional Airport | Sacramento |
1157 | LHV | W T Piper Memorial Airport | Williamsport |
1158 | LIC | Limon Municipal Airport | Colorado Springs |
1159 | LIH | Lihue Airport | Kauai Island |
1160 | LIM | Jorge Chavez International Airport | Lima |
1161 | LIO | Limon International Airport | Limon |
1162 | LIT | Adams Field Airport | Little Rock |
1163 | LIV | Livengood Airport | Fairbanks |
1164 | LIY | MidCoast Regional Airport at Wright Army Airfield | Savannah |
1165 | LIZ | Loring AFB | Presque Isle |
1166 | LJN | Brazoria County Airport | Houston |
1167 | LKE | Kenmore Air Harbor SPB | Seattle |
1168 | LKK | Kulik Lake Airport | Kokhanok |
1169 | LKP | Lake Placid Airport | Saranac Lake |
1170 | LKS | Lakeside Airport | North Bend |
1171 | LKV | Lake County Airport | Klamath Falls |
1172 | LLX | Lyndonville Airport | Lebanon |
1173 | LLY | Burlington County Airport | Wrightstown |
1174 | LMA | Lake Minchumina Airport | Hughes |
1175 | LMS | Winston County Airport | Columbus |
1176 | LMT | Kingsley Field Airport | Klamath Falls |
1177 | LNA | Palm Beach County Park Airport | West Palm Beach |
1178 | LND | Hunt Field Airport | Riverton |
1179 | LNI | Dew Station | Nuiqsut |
1180 | LNK | Lincoln Airport | Lincoln |
1181 | LNN | Lost Nation Airport | Cleveland |
1182 | LNP | Lonesome Pine Airport | Bristol, VA/Johnson City/Kingsport |
1183 | LNR | Tri County Airport | Madison |
1184 | LNS | Lancaster Airport | Lancaster |
1185 | LNY | Lanai City Airport | Lanai |
1186 | LOG | Longview Airport | Portland |
1187 | LOL | Derby Field Airport | Reno |
1188 | LOT | Lewis Lockport Airport | Chicago |
1189 | LOU | Bowman Field Airport | Louisville |
1190 | LOW | Louisa Airport | Charlottesville |
1191 | LPC | Lompoc Airport | Santa Maria |
1192 | LPO | La Porte Municipal Airport | South Bend |
1193 | LPR | Lorain County Regional Airport | Cleveland |
1194 | LPS | Lopez Island Airport | Friday Harbor |
1195 | LPW | Little Port Walter Airport | Sitka |
1196 | LQK | Pickens Airport | Greenville |
1197 | LRD | Laredo International Airport | Laredo |
1198 | LRF | Little Rock Air Force Base | Little Rock |
1199 | LRJ | Le Mars Municipal Airport | Sioux City |
1200 | LRK | Coast Guard Airport | Traverse City |
1201 | LRO | Sharpe AAF | Columbus |
1202 | LRU | Las Cruces International Airport | El Paso |
1203 | LSB | Lordsburg Airport | Silver City |
1204 | LSE | La Crosse Regional Airport | La Crosse |
1205 | LSF | Lawson AAF | Columbus |
1206 | LSK | Lusk Airport | Scottsbluff |
1207 | LSN | Los Banos Airport | Merced |
1208 | LSR | Lost River Airport | Teller Mission |
1209 | LSV | Nellis AFB | Las Vegas |
1210 | LTH | Lathrop Wells Airport | Las Vegas |
1211 | LTS | Altus AFB | Lawton |
1212 | LTW | St Marys County Airport | Camp Springs |
1213 | LUF | Luke Air Force Base | Phoenix |
1214 | LUK | Cincinnati Municipal-Lunken Field Airport | Cincinnati |
1215 | LUL | Hesler-Noble Field Airport | Laurel |
1216 | LUP | Kalaupapa Airport | Hoolehua |
1217 | LUR | Cape Lisburne | Cape Lisburne |
1218 | LVD | Lime Village Airport | Tatalina |
1219 | LVK | Livermore Airport | Hayward |
1220 | LVL | Lawrenceville/Brunswick Municipal Airport | Richmond |
1221 | LVM | Mission Field Airport | Belgrade |
1222 | LVS | Las Vegas Municipal Airport | Albuquerque |
1223 | LWB | Greenbrier Valley Airport | Lewisburg |
1224 | LWC | Lawrence Airport | Kansas City |
1225 | LWL | Harriet Field Airport | Elko |
1226 | LWM | Lawrence Municipal Airport | Boston |
1227 | LWS | Nez Perce County Rgnl Airport | Lewiston |
1228 | LWT | Lewistown Municipal Airport | Havre |
1229 | LWV | Lawrenceville–Vincennes International Airport | Evansville |
1230 | LXN | Jim Kelly Field | Kearney |
1231 | LXV | Leadville Airport | Vail |
1232 | LYH | Preston-glenn Field Airport | Lynchburg |
1233 | LYO | Lyons-Rice County Municipal Airport | Salina |
1234 | LYU | Ely Airport | Elko |
1235 | LZU | Gwinnett County Airport | Atlanta |
1236 | MAC | Macon Downtown Airport | Atlanta |
1237 | MAE | Madera Municipal Airport | Fresno |
1238 | MAF | Midland International Air and Space Port | Midland |
1239 | MAW | Malden Airport | Cape Girardeau |
1240 | MBG | Mobridge Airport | Pierre |
1241 | MBL | Blacker Airport | Manistee |
1242 | MBS | MBS International Airport | Saginaw |
1243 | MBY | Moberly Airport | Kirksville |
1244 | MCB | McComb–Pike County Airport | Baton Rouge |
1245 | MCC | Sacramento McClellan Airfield | Sacramento |
1246 | MCD | Mackinac Island Airport | Pellston |
1247 | MCE | Merced Municipal Airport | Merced |
1248 | MCF | MacDill Air Force Base | Tampa |
1249 | MCG | Mcgrath Airport | McGrath |
1250 | MCI | Kansas City International Airport | Kansas City |
1251 | MCK | Mccook Airport | McCook |
1252 | MCL | Mt Mckinley Airport | Fairbanks |
1253 | MCN | Middle Georgia Regional Airport | Albany |
1254 | MCO | Orlando International Airport | Orlando |
1255 | MCW | Mason City Municipal Airport | Mason City |
1256 | MDD | Midland Airpark | Midland |
1257 | MDF | Taylor County Airport | Wausau |
1258 | MDH | Southern Illinois Airport | Marion |
1259 | MDJ | City-county Airport | Redmond |
1260 | MDN | Madison Municipal Airport | Louisville |
1261 | MDO | Intermediate Airport | Cordova |
1262 | MDR | Medfra Airport | McGrath |
1263 | MDT | Harrisburg International Airport | Middletown |
1264 | MDW | Midway | Chicago |
1265 | MEI | Key Field Airport | Meridian |
1266 | MEJ | Meadville Airport | Franklin |
1267 | MEM | Memphis International Airport | Memphis |
1268 | MEO | Dare County Regional Airport | Norfolk |
1269 | MER | Merced County Castle Airport | San Luis Obispo |
1270 | MEV | Douglas County Airport | Reno |
1271 | MFD | Lahm Municipal Airport | Columbus |
1272 | MFE | Mc Allen Miller International Airport | McAllen |
1273 | MFH | Mesquite Airport | Saint George |
1274 | MFI | Marshfield Municipal Airport | Wausau |
1275 | MFR | Rogue Valley International - Medford Airport | Medford |
1276 | MFV | Accomack County Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
1277 | MGC | Michigan City Airport | South Bend |
1278 | MGE | Dobbins Air Reserve Base | Atlanta |
1279 | MGI | Aransas National Wildlife Refuge Airport | Corpus Christi |
1280 | MGJ | Orange County Airport | Newburgh |
1281 | MGM | Montgomery Regional Airport (Dannelly Field) | Montgomery |
1282 | MGR | Moultrie Municipal Airport | Valdosta |
1283 | MGW | Morgantown Airport | Morgantown |
1284 | MGY | Dayton–Wright Brothers Airport | Dayton |
1285 | MHE | Mitchell Municipal Airport | Sioux Falls |
1286 | MHK | Manhattan Regional Airport | Manhattan |
1287 | MHL | Memorial Municipal Airport | Columbia |
1288 | MHM | Lake Minchumina | Hughes |
1289 | MHN | Mullen Airport | North Platte |
1290 | MHR | Sacramento Mather Airport | Sacramento |
1291 | MHS | Dunsmuir Municipal-Mott Airport | Redding |
1292 | MHV | Mojave Air and Space Port | Burbank |
1293 | MIA | Miami International Airport | Miami |
1294 | MIB | Minot Air Force Base | Minot |
1295 | MIC | Crystal | Minneapolis |
1296 | MIE | Delaware County Airport | Fort Wayne |
1297 | MIF | Roy Hurd Memorial Airport | Midland |
1298 | MIQ | Millard Airport | Omaha |
1299 | MIT | Shafter-Minter Field-Mit | Bakersfield |
1300 | MIV | Millville Airport | Philadelphia |
1301 | MIW | Marshalltown Municipal Airport | Waterloo |
1302 | MJQ | Jackson Airport | Fort Dodge |
1303 | MJX | Robert J. Miller Airport | Wrightstown |
1304 | MKC | Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport | Kansas City |
1305 | MKE | General Mitchell International Airport | Milwaukee |
1306 | MKG | Muskegon Airport | Muskegon |
1307 | MKK | Molokai Airport | Hoolehua |
1308 | MKL | Mc Kellar-Sipes Regional Airport | Jackson |
1309 | MKO | Davis Field | Tulsa |
1310 | MKT | Mankato Regional Airport | Minneapolis |
1311 | MLC | Mc Alester Airport | Tulsa |
1312 | MLD | Malad City Airport | Pocatello |
1313 | MLF | Milford Airport | Cedar City |
1314 | MLI | Quad-City Airport | Moline |
1315 | MLJ | Baldwin County Airport | Augusta |
1316 | MLK | Malta Airport | Glasgow |
1317 | MLL | Marshall Airport | Marshall |
1318 | MLS | Miles City Municipal | Glendive |
1319 | MLT | Millinocket Airport | Bangor |
1320 | MLU | Monroe Regional Airport | Monroe |
1321 | MLY | Manley Hot Springs Airport | Fairbanks |
1322 | MMH | Mammoth Lakes Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
1323 | MMI | McMinn County Airport | Knoxville |
1324 | MML | Municipal-Ryan Field Airport | Sioux Falls |
1325 | MMN | Minute Man Airfield Airport | Worcester |
1326 | MMS | Selfs Airport | Memphis |
1327 | MMT | McEntire Joint National Guard Base | Columbia |
1328 | MMU | Morristown Municipal Airport | Morristown |
1329 | MNM | Menominee Airport | Green Bay |
1330 | MNN | Marion Municipal Airport | Columbus |
1331 | MNT | Minto Al Wright Airport | Fairbanks |
1332 | MNZ | Manassas Regional Airport/Harry P. Davis Field | Washington |
1333 | MOB | Mobile Regional Airport | Mobile |
1334 | MOD | Modesto City–County Airport (Harry Sham Field) | Modesto |
1335 | MOP | Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport | Saginaw |
1336 | MOR | Moore-Murrell Airport | Knoxville |
1337 | MOS | Moses Point Airport | Elim |
1338 | MOT | Minot International Airport | Minot |
1339 | MOU | Mountain Village Airport | Mountain Village |
1340 | MOX | Morris Municipal Airport | Watertown |
1341 | MPE | Griswold Airport | New Haven |
1342 | MPJ | Petit Jean Park Airport | Hot Springs |
1343 | MPN | Mount Pleasant Airport | Rio Grande |
1344 | MPO | Mt Pocono Airport | Allentown |
1345 | MPR | Mcpherson Airport | Salina |
1346 | MPS | Mount Pleasant Airport | Saginaw |
1347 | MPV | Edward F Knapp State Airport | Lebanon |
1348 | MPZ | Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport | Burlington |
1349 | MQB | Macomb Municipal Airport | Burlington |
1350 | MQI | Quincy Regional Airport | Quincy |
1351 | MQT | Sawyer International Airport | Marquette |
1352 | MQW | Telfair-Wheeler Airport | Valdosta |
1353 | MQY | Smyrna Airport | Nashville |
1354 | MRB | Eastern WV Regional Airport (Shepherd Field) | Hagerstown |
1355 | MRC | Maury County Airport | Nashville |
1356 | MRF | Marfa Municipal Airport | Carlsbad |
1357 | MRI | Merrill Field | Anchorage |
1358 | MRK | Marco Island Airport | Naples |
1359 | MRN | Lenoir Airport | Charlotte |
1360 | MRY | Monterey Peninsula Airport | Monterey |
1361 | MSC | Falcon Field Airport | Phoenix |
1362 | MSD | Mt Pleasant Airport | Provo |
1363 | MSL | Northwest Alabama Regional Airport | Muscle Shoals |
1364 | MSN | Dane County Regional Airport (Truax Field) | Madison |
1365 | MSO | Missoula International Airport | Missoula |
1366 | MSP | Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport | Minneapolis |
1367 | MSS | Richards Field Airport | Massena |
1368 | MSV | Sullivan County International Airport | Newburgh |
1369 | MSY | Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport | New Orleans |
1370 | MTC | Selfridge Air National Guard Base | Detroit |
1371 | MTH | The Florida Keys Marathon Airport | Marathon |
1372 | MTJ | Montrose Regional Airport | Montrose |
1373 | MTM | Metlakatla Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
1374 | MTN | Glenn L Martin | Baltimore |
1375 | MTO | Coles County Memorial Airport | Champaign |
1376 | MTP | Montauk Airport | Providence |
1377 | MTQ | Mitchell Airport | Roma |
1378 | MTW | Manitowoc County Airport | Green Bay |
1379 | MTX | Metro Field | Fairbanks |
1380 | MUE | Kamuela Airport | Kailua-Kona |
1381 | MUI | Muir Army Airfield | Middletown |
1382 | MUL | Spence Airport | Valdosta |
1383 | MUO | Mountain Home Air Force Base | Boise |
1384 | MUT | Muscatine Airport | Burlington |
1385 | MUU | Mount Union Airport | Altoona |
1386 | MVC | Monroe - Walton County Airport | Mobile |
1387 | MVL | Morrisville-Stowe Airport | Burlington |
1388 | MVM | Kayenta Airport | Page |
1389 | MVN | Mt Vernon-Outland Airport | Marion |
1390 | MVW | Skagit Regional Airport | Bellingham |
1391 | MVY | Martha's Vineyard Airport | Martha's Vineyard |
1392 | MWA | Williamson County Airport | Marion |
1393 | MWC | Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport | Milwaukee |
1394 | MWH | Grant County International Airport | Wenatchee |
1395 | MWL | Mineral Wells Airport | Wichita Falls |
1396 | MWM | Windom Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
1397 | MWO | Hook Field Airport | Dayton |
1398 | MWS | Mount Wilson Airport | Greenville |
1399 | MXC | Monticello Airport/San Juan County | Moab |
1400 | MXE | Maxton Airport | Fayetteville |
1401 | MXF | Maxwell Air Force Base | Birmingham |
1402 | MXG | Marlborough Airport | Worcester |
1403 | MXO | Monticello Regional Airport | Dubuque |
1404 | MXY | Mccarthy Airport | Cordova |
1405 | MYF | Montgomery Field Airport | San Diego |
1406 | MYH | Marble Canyon Airport | Page |
1407 | MYK | May Creek Airport | Cordova |
1408 | MYL | Mccall Airport | Boise |
1409 | MYR | Myrtle Beach AFB Airport | Myrtle Beach |
1410 | MYU | Ellis Field Airport | Mekoryuk |
1411 | MYV | Yuba County Airport | Sacramento |
1412 | MZJ | Pinal Airpark | Tucson |
1413 | MZZ | Marion Municipal Airport | Columbus |
1414 | NAX | Kalaeloa John Rodgers Field Airport | Honolulu |
1415 | NBG | NAS JRB New Orleans (Alvin Callender Field) | New Orleans |
1416 | NBP | Battery Pk City/N. Cov | New York |
1417 | NCL | Newcastle Airport | Newcastle |
1418 | NCN | New Chenega Airport | Valdez |
1419 | NCO | Quonset State Airport | Providence |
1420 | NCQ | Atlanta NAS | Atlanta |
1421 | NEA | Brunswick Golden Isles Airport | Brunswick |
1422 | NEL | NAES Lakehurst (Maxfield Field) | Wrightstown |
1423 | NEN | Olf Usn Airport | Jacksonville |
1424 | NES | East 34th St Landing Airport | New York |
1425 | NEW | Lakefront | New Orleans |
1426 | NFL | NAS Fallon (Van Voorhis Field) | Reno |
1427 | NGC | North Rim | Flagstaff |
1428 | NGP | NAS Corpus Christi (Truax Field) | Corpus Christi |
1429 | NGU | NS Norfolk (Chambers Field) | Norfolk |
1430 | NGW | NOLF Cabaniss Field | Corpus Christi |
1431 | NHK | NAS Patuxent River (Trapnell Field) | Camp Springs |
1432 | NHX | Barin Olf Osn Airport | Pensacola |
1433 | NHZ | Brunswick Executive Airport | Portland |
1434 | NIB | Nikolai Airport | McGrath |
1435 | NIE | Niblack Airport | Ketchikan |
1436 | NIN | Ninilchik Airport | Homer |
1437 | NIP | NAS Jacksonville (Towers Field) | Jacksonville |
1438 | NIR | Chase Field Industrial Complex | Corpus Christi |
1439 | NJK | NAF El Centro | Imperial |
1440 | NKI | Naukiti Airport | Klawock |
1441 | NKV | Nichen Cove Airport | Klawock |
1442 | NKX | MCAS Miramar | San Diego |
1443 | NLC | NAS Lemoore (Reeves Field) | Fresno |
1444 | NLE | Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport | South Bend |
1445 | NLG | Nelson Lagoon Airport | Port Moller |
1446 | NME | Nightmute Airport | Nightmute |
1447 | NNK | Naknek Airport | King Salmon |
1448 | NNL | Nondalton Airport | Iliamna |
1449 | NOL | Nakolik River Airport | Santa Rosa |
1450 | NOT | Novato Airport | San Francisco |
1451 | NPA | NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field) | Pensacola |
1452 | NPH | Nephi Airport | Provo |
1453 | NPT | State Airport | Providence |
1454 | NQA | Millington-Memphis Airport | Memphis |
1455 | NQI | NAS Kingsville | Corpus Christi |
1456 | NQX | NAS Key West (Boca Chica Field) | Key West |
1457 | NRB | Naval Station Mayport Mayport (Admiral David L. McDonald Field) | Jacksonville |
1458 | NRC | NASA Crows Landing Airport | Modesto |
1459 | NRI | Grand Lake Regional Airport | Joplin |
1460 | NRS | Naval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach (Ream Field) | San Diego |
1461 | NSE | NAS Whiting Field – North | Pensacola |
1462 | NSF | Andrews NAF | Camp Springs |
1463 | NTD | NAS Point Mugu (Naval Base Ventura County) | Santa Barbara |
1464 | NTJ | Manti-Ephraim Airport | Provo |
1465 | NTL | Newcastle Airport / RAAF Base Williamtown | Newcastle |
1466 | NTU | NAS Oceana (Apollo Soucek Field) | Norfolk |
1467 | NUI | Nuiqsut Airport | Nuiqsut |
1468 | NUL | Nulato Airport | Nulato |
1469 | NUN | NOLF Saufley Field | Pensacola |
1470 | NUP | Nunapitchuk Airport | Kasigluk |
1471 | NUQ | Moffett Federal Airfield | San Jose |
1472 | NUW | Whidbey Island NAS (Ault Field) | Friday Harbor |
1473 | NVD | Nevada Municipal Airport | Joplin |
1474 | NWH | Parlin Field Airport | Lebanon |
1475 | NWS | Pier 11/Wall St. SPB | New York |
1476 | NXX | Willow Grove NAS | Philadelphia |
1477 | NYG | MCAF Quantico (Turner Field) | Washington |
1478 | NZW | South Weymouth Airport | Boston |
1479 | NZY | North Island NAS | San Diego |
1480 | OAJ | Albert J Ellis Airport | Richlands |
1481 | OAK | Metropolitan Oak International Airport | Oakland |
1482 | OAR | Marina Municipal Airport | Monterey |
1483 | OBE | Okeechobee County Airport | Vero Beach |
1484 | OBT | Oakland/Coliseum Stat Airport | Morgantown |
1485 | OBU | Kobuk/Wien Airport | Kobuk |
1486 | OCA | Ocean Reef Airport | Miami |
1487 | OCE | Ocean City Municipal Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
1488 | OCF | Ocala International Airport (Jim Taylor Field) | Gainesville |
1489 | OCH | A L Mangham Jr. Regional Airport | Longview |
1490 | OCI | Oceanic Airport | Anchorage |
1491 | OCN | Oceanside Municipal Airport | San Diego |
1492 | OCW | Warren Field Airport | Greenville |
1493 | ODW | A.J. Eisenberg Airport | Friday Harbor |
1494 | OEA | Oneal Airport | Evansville |
1495 | OEO | L.O. Simenstad Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
1496 | OFK | Stefan Field Airport | Sioux City |
1497 | OGA | Searle Field Airport | North Platte |
1498 | OGB | Orangeburg Municipal Airport | Columbia |
1499 | OGD | Ogden-Hinckley Airport | Salt Lake City |
1500 | OGG | Kahului Airport | Kahului |
1501 | OGS | Ogdensburg Airport | Ogdensburg |
1502 | OHC | AFS | Savoonga |
1503 | OIL | Splane Memorial Airport | Franklin |
1504 | OJC | Johnson Executive Airport | Kansas City |
1505 | OKC | Will Rogers World Airport | Oklahoma City |
1506 | OKK | Kokomo Airport | Indianapolis |
1507 | OKM | Okmulgee Regional Airport | Tulsa |
1508 | OKS | Oshkosh Airport | Alliance |
1509 | OLD | Old Town Airport | Bangor |
1510 | OLE | Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport | Bradford |
1511 | OLF | L. M. Clayton Airport | Wolf Point |
1512 | OLH | Old Harbor SPB | Old Harbor |
1513 | OLM | Olympia Regional Airport | Seattle |
1514 | OLS | Nogales International Airport | Tucson |
1515 | OLU | Columbus Municipal Airport | Lincoln |
1516 | OLV | Olive Branch Airport | Memphis |
1517 | OLY | Olney-Noble Airport | Evansville |
1518 | OMA | Eppley Airfield Airport | Omaha |
1519 | OME | Nome Airport | Nome |
1520 | OMK | Municipal Airport | Wenatchee |
1521 | ONA | Winona Municipal Airport (Max Conrad Field) | La Crosse |
1522 | ONH | Oneonta Municipal Airport | Binghamton |
1523 | ONL | O Neill Municipal Airport (John L. Baker Field) | Grand Island |
1524 | ONM | Socorro Airport | Albuquerque |
1525 | ONN | Onion Bay Airport | Port Williams |
1526 | ONO | Ontario Municipal Airport | Boise |
1527 | ONP | Newport Municipal Airport | Eugene |
1528 | ONT | Ontario International Airport | Ontario |
1529 | ONY | Olney Airport | Wichita Falls |
1530 | OOA | Oskaloosa Municipal Airport | Cedar Rapids |
1531 | OOK | Toksook Bay Airport | Toksook Bay |
1532 | OPL | St Landry Parish Airport | Lafayette |
1533 | ORD | Chicago O'hare International | Chicago |
1534 | ORF | Norfolk International Airport | Norfolk |
1535 | ORH | Worcester Regional Airport | Worcester |
1536 | ORI | Port Lions SPB | Port Lions |
1537 | ORL | Orlando Executive Airport | Orlando |
1538 | ORT | Northway Airport | Yakutat |
1539 | ORV | Curtis Memorial Airport | Noorvik |
1540 | OSB | Osage Beach Airport | Fort Leonard Wood |
1541 | OSC | Oscoda–Wurtsmith Airport | Alpena |
1542 | OSH | Wittman Regional Airport | Appleton |
1543 | OSU | Ohio State University | Columbus |
1544 | OSX | Attala County Airport | Jackson |
1545 | OTG | Worthington Airport | Sioux Falls |
1546 | OTH | North Bend Airport | North Bend |
1547 | OTM | Ottumwa Regional Airport | Kirksville |
1548 | OTN | Ed-Air Airport | Evansville |
1549 | OTO | Vor Airport | Albuquerque |
1550 | OTS | Anacortes Airport | Bellingham |
1551 | OTZ | Kotzebue Airport | Kotzebue |
1552 | OUN | Max Westheimer Airport | Oklahoma City |
1553 | OVE | Oroville Airport | Chico |
1554 | OWA | Owatonna Airport | Rochester |
1555 | OWB | Daviess County Airport | Owensboro |
1556 | OWD | Norwood Memorial Airport | Boston |
1557 | OWK | Central Maine Airport of Norridgewock | Augusta |
1558 | OXC | Waterbury-oxford Airport | New Haven |
1559 | OXD | Miami University Airport | Cincinnati |
1560 | OXF | Oxford (Kidlington) Airport | Montgomery |
1561 | OXR | Ventura Airport | Santa Barbara |
1562 | OYS | Yosemite Ntl Park Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
1563 | OZA | Ozona Municipalcipal Airport | Del Rio |
1564 | OZR | Cairns Army Airfield | Dothan |
1565 | PAE | Snohomish County - Paine Field Airport | Seattle |
1566 | PAH | Barkley Regional Airport | Paducah |
1567 | PAK | Port Allen Airport | Kauai Island |
1568 | PAM | Tyndall Air Force Base | Panama City |
1569 | PAO | Palo Alto Airport | Hayward |
1570 | PAQ | Palmer Municipalcipal Airport | Anchorage |
1571 | PBA | Point Barrow Airport | Barrow |
1572 | PBF | Grider Field Airport | Little Rock |
1573 | PBG | Plattsburgh International Airport | Plattsburgh |
1574 | PBI | Palm Beach International Airport | West Palm Beach |
1575 | PBK | Pack Creek Airport | Tenakee Springs |
1576 | PCA | Portage Creek Airport | Egegik |
1577 | PCD | Prairie du Chien Municipal Airport | Dubuque |
1578 | PCE | Painter Creek Airport | Egegik |
1579 | PCK | Porcupine Creek Airport | Nuiqsut |
1580 | PCT | Princeton Airport | Wrightstown |
1581 | PCU | Pearl River County Airport | Gulfport |
1582 | PDB | Pedro Bay Airport | Iliamna |
1583 | PDK | DeKalb–Peachtree Airport | Atlanta |
1584 | PDT | Eastern Oregon Regional Airport | Pendleton |
1585 | PDX | Portland International Airport | Portland |
1586 | PEC | Pelican SPB Airport | Elfin Cove |
1587 | PEQ | Pecos City Airport | Carlsbad |
1588 | PFA | Paf Warren Airport | King Salmon |
1589 | PFC | Pacific City State Airport | Eugene |
1590 | PFD | Port Frederick Airport | Hoonah |
1591 | PFN | Bay County Airport | Panama City |
1592 | PGA | Page Airport | Page |
1593 | PGC | Grant County Airport | Staunton |
1594 | PGD | Charlotte County Airport | Punta Gorda |
1595 | PGL | Trent Lott International Airport | Mobile |
1596 | PGM | Port Graham Airport | Homer |
1597 | PGO | Stevens Field Airport | Durango |
1598 | PGR | Paragould Kirk Field Airport | Jonesboro |
1599 | PGS | Grand Canyon Caverns Airport | Flagstaff |
1600 | PGV | Pitt-Greenville Airport | Greenville |
1601 | PHD | Harry Clever Field Airport | Akron |
1602 | PHF | Newport News/williamsb Airport | Newport News |
1603 | PHK | Palm Beach Co Glades Airport | West Palm Beach |
1604 | PHL | Philadelphia International Airport | Philadelphia |
1605 | PHN | St Clair County International Airport | Detroit |
1606 | PHO | Point Hope Airport | Point Hope |
1607 | PHP | Philip Airport | Pierre |
1608 | PHT | Henry County Airport | Paducah |
1609 | PHX | Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport | Phoenix |
1610 | PIA | Greater Peoria Airport | Peoria |
1611 | PIB | Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional Airport | Laurel |
1612 | PIE | St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport | Tampa |
1613 | PIH | Pocatello Airport | Pocatello |
1614 | PIM | Garden Harris County Airport | Columbus |
1615 | PIP | Pilot Point Airport | Egegik |
1616 | PIR | Pierre Regional Airport | Pierre |
1617 | PIT | Pittsburgh International Airport | Pittsburgh |
1618 | PIZ | Point Lay LRRS Airport | Point Lay |
1619 | PJB | Payson Airport | Phoenix |
1620 | PJS | Port San Juan Airport | Valdez |
1621 | PKA | SPB Airport | Napaskiak |
1622 | PKB | Wood County Airport | Parkersburg |
1623 | PKD | Park Rapids Airport | Bemidji |
1624 | PKF | Park Falls Airport | Ironwood |
1625 | PLK | M. Graham Clark - Taney County Airport | Harrison |
1626 | PLN | Emmet County Airport | Pellston |
1627 | PLR | St Clair County Airport | Birmingham |
1628 | PLY | Plymouth Airport | South Bend |
1629 | PMB | Intermediate Airport | Grand Forks |
1630 | PMD | La Palmdale Regional Airport | Burbank |
1631 | PML | Port Moller Airport | Port Moller |
1632 | PMU | SPB Airport | Kalskag |
1633 | PMX | Metropolitan Airport | Worcester |
1634 | PNC | Ponca City Airport | Stillwater |
1635 | PND | Punta Gorda Airport | Key West |
1636 | PNE | North Philadelphia | Philadelphia |
1637 | PNN | Princeton Municipal Airport | Bar Harbor |
1638 | PNS | Pensacola International Airport | Pensacola |
1639 | PNU | Panguitch Airport | Cedar City |
1640 | PNX | North Texas Regional Airport | Dallas |
1641 | POB | Pope Field (Pope AFB) | Fayetteville |
1642 | POC | Brackett Field Airport | Ontario |
1643 | POE | Polk AAF | Alexandria |
1644 | POF | Earl Fields Memorial Airport | Cape Girardeau |
1645 | POH | Pocahontas Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
1646 | POQ | Polk Inlet Airport | Hydaburg |
1647 | POU | Dutchess County Airport | Newburgh |
1648 | POY | Powell Airport | Cody |
1649 | PPA | Perry Lefors Field Airport | Amarillo |
1650 | PPC | Prospect Creek Airport | Nuiqsut |
1651 | PPF | Tri-City Airport | Joplin |
1652 | PPM | Pompano Beach Airport | Fort Lauderdale |
1653 | PPV | Port Protection Airport | Kake |
1654 | PQI | Presque Isle Municipal Airport | Presque Isle |
1655 | PQS | Pilot Station Airport | Pilot Station |
1656 | PRB | Paso Robles Airport | Santa Maria |
1657 | PRC | Prescott Airport | Prescott |
1658 | PRF | Port Johnson Airport | Ketchikan |
1659 | PRL | Port Oceanic Airport | Valdez |
1660 | PRO | Perry Municipal Airport | Des Moines |
1661 | PRT | Coast Guard Heliport | Juneau |
1662 | PRW | Prentice Airport | Rhinelander |
1663 | PRZ | Prineville Airport | Redmond |
1664 | PSB | Bellefonte Airport | State College |
1665 | PSC | Tri-cities Airport | Pasco |
1666 | PSF | Pittsfield Airport | Albany |
1667 | PSG | Petersburg James A Johnson Airport | Petersburg |
1668 | PSK | New River Valley Airport | Roanoke |
1669 | PSN | Palestine Municipalcipal Airport | Tyler |
1670 | PSP | Palm Springs International Airport | Palm Springs |
1671 | PSQ | Philadelphia Seaplane Base | Philadelphia |
1672 | PTA | Port Alsworth Airport | Iliamna |
1673 | PTB | Dinwiddie County Airport | Richmond |
1674 | PTC | Port Alice Airport | Klawock |
1675 | PTD | Port Alexander Airport | Sitka |
1676 | PTH | Port Heiden Airport | Egegik |
1677 | PTJ | Portland Airport | Portland |
1678 | PTK | Oakland County International Airport | Flint |
1679 | PTL | Port Armstrong Airport | Sitka |
1680 | PTN | Williams Memorial Airport | Baton Rouge |
1681 | PTS | Atkinson Municipal Airport | Joplin |
1682 | PTT | Pratt Airport | Dodge City |
1683 | PTU | Platinum Airport | Platinum |
1684 | PTV | Porterville Airport | Bakersfield |
1685 | PTW | Pottstown/Limerick Airport | Allentown |
1686 | PTY | Tocumen International Airport | Panama City |
1687 | PUB | Pueblo Memorial Airport | Pueblo |
1688 | PUC | Carbon County Airport | Provo |
1689 | PUL | Poulsbo Airport | Seattle |
1690 | PUO | Prudhoe Bay Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
1691 | PUW | Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport | Pullman |
1692 | PVC | Provincetown Airport | Provincetown |
1693 | PVD | T. F. Green Airport | Providence |
1694 | PVF | Placerville Airport | Sacramento |
1695 | PVJ | Pauls Valley Municipalcipal Airport | Oklahoma City |
1696 | PVU | Provo Airport | Provo |
1697 | PVW | Hale County Airport | Lubbock |
1698 | PVY | Pope Vanoy Airport | Kokhanok |
1699 | PVZ | Casement Airport | Cleveland |
1700 | PWA | Wiley Post Airport | Oklahoma City |
1701 | PWD | Sherwood Airport | Williston |
1702 | PWK | Pal-Waukee | Chicago |
1703 | PWM | International Jetport Airport | Portland |
1704 | PWR | Port Walter Seaplane Base | Sitka |
1705 | PWT | Bremerton Airport | Seattle |
1706 | PXL | Polacca Airport | Page |
1707 | PYL | Perry SPB Airport | Valdez |
1708 | PYM | Plymouth Municipal Airport | New Bedford |
1709 | QMV | Montvale Airport | Knoxville |
1710 | QWG | Wilgrove Air Park | Charlotte |
1711 | RAC | John H. Batten Field Airport | Milwaukee |
1712 | RAL | Riverside Municipalcipal Airport | Ontario |
1713 | RAP | Rapid City Regional Airport | Rapid City |
1714 | RBD | Redbird | Dallas |
1715 | RBF | Big Bear City Airport | Palm Springs |
1716 | RBG | Roseburg Municipal Airport | Eugene |
1717 | RBH | Brooks Lodge Airport | Igiugig |
1718 | RBK | French Valley Airport | Palm Springs |
1719 | RBL | Red Bluff Fss Airport | Redding |
1720 | RBN | Fort Jefferson Airport | Key West |
1721 | RBW | Lowcountry Regional Airport | Charleston |
1722 | RBY | Ruby Airport | Ruby |
1723 | RCA | Ellsworth Air Force Base | Rapid City |
1724 | RCE | Roche Harbor Airport | Friday Harbor |
1725 | RCK | Coffield Airport | College Station |
1726 | RCP | Cinder River Airport | Egegik |
1727 | RCR | Fulton County Airport | South Bend |
1728 | RCT | Nartron Field Airport | Manistee |
1729 | RDB | Red Dog Airport | Kotzebue |
1730 | RDD | Redding Airport | Redding |
1731 | RDG | Reading Regional Airport (Carl A. Spaatz Field) | Lancaster |
1732 | RDM | Roberts Field Airport | Redmond |
1733 | RDR | Grand Forks Air Force Base | Grand Forks |
1734 | RDU | Raleigh-durham International Airport | Raleigh/Durham |
1735 | RDV | Red Devil Airport | Tatalina |
1736 | RED | Mifflin County Airport | State College |
1737 | REE | Reese Airpark | Lubbock |
1738 | REH | Rehoboth Beach Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
1739 | REO | Rome State Airport | Boise |
1740 | RFD | Chicago Rockford International Airport (Greater Rockford Airport) | Chicago |
1741 | RFG | Rooke Field Airport | Corpus Christi |
1742 | RGR | Ranger Municipalcipal Airport | Abilene |
1743 | RHI | Rhinelander–Oneida County Airport | Rhinelander |
1744 | RHV | Reid–Hillview Airport of Santa Clara County | San Jose |
1745 | RIE | Rice Lake Airport | Eau Claire |
1746 | RIF | Richfield Municipal Airport | Cedar City |
1747 | RIL | Garfield County Airport | Grand Junction |
1748 | RIR | Flabob Airport | Ontario |
1749 | RIV | March Air Reserve Base | Ontario |
1750 | RIW | Riverton Regional Airport | Riverton |
1751 | RKC | Montague-Yreka Airport | Medford |
1752 | RKD | Knox County Regional Airport | Rockland |
1753 | RKH | Rock Hill Airport | Charlotte |
1754 | RKP | Aransas County Airport | Corpus Christi |
1755 | RKR | Robert S Kerr Airport | Fort Smith |
1756 | RKS | Sweetwater County Airport | Rock Springs |
1757 | RKW | Rockwood Municipal Airport | Knoxville |
1758 | RLA | Rolla Downtown | Fort Leonard Wood |
1759 | RLD | Richland Airport | Pasco |
1760 | RLU | Bornite Upper Airport | Kobuk |
1761 | RME | Griffiss International Airport | Syracuse |
1762 | RMG | Richard B Russell Airport | Chattanooga |
1763 | RMP | Rampart Airport | Fairbanks |
1764 | RNC | Warren County Memorial Airport | Chattanooga |
1765 | RND | Randolph Air Force Base | San Antonio |
1766 | RNG | Rangely Airport | Vernal |
1767 | RNH | New Richmond Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
1768 | RNO | Reno-Tahoe International Airport | Reno |
1769 | RNT | Renton Airport | Seattle |
1770 | RNZ | Rensselaer Airport | Chicago |
1771 | ROA | Roanoke Regional Airport | Roanoke |
1772 | ROC | Greater Rochester International Airport | Rochester |
1773 | ROG | Rogers Airport | Joplin |
1774 | ROL | Roosevelt Municipal Airport | Columbus |
1775 | ROW | Roswell International Air Center | Roswell |
1776 | RPX | Roundup Airport | Billings |
1777 | RRL | Merrill Municipal Airport | Wausau |
1778 | RRT | Warroad Airport | Thief River Falls |
1779 | RSH | Russian Mission Airport | Russian Mission |
1780 | RSJ | Rosario SPB Airport | Eastsound |
1781 | RSL | Russell Municipal Airport | Hays |
1782 | RSN | Ruston Airport | Monroe |
1783 | RSP | Raspberry Strait Airport | Larsen Bay |
1784 | RST | Rochester International Airport | Rochester |
1785 | RSW | Southwest Florida International | Fort Myers |
1786 | RSX | Rouses Point Airport | Plattsburgh |
1787 | RTD | Rotunda Airport | Punta Gorda |
1788 | RTE | Marguerite Bay Airport | Ketchikan |
1789 | RTL | Spirit Lake Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
1790 | RTN | Raton Municipal Airport (Crews Field) | Alamosa |
1791 | RUI | Ruidoso Sierra Blanca Regional Airport | Roswell |
1792 | RUT | Rutland Airport | Rutland |
1793 | RVS | Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport | Tulsa |
1794 | RWB | Rowan Bay Airport | Kake |
1795 | RWF | Redwood Falls Municipal Airport | Minneapolis |
1796 | RWI | Rocky Mount-wilson Airport | Greenville |
1797 | RWL | Rawlins Airport | Casper |
1798 | RYY | Cobb County - McCollum Field | Atlanta |
1799 | RZZ | Halifax County Airport | Greenville |
1800 | SAA | Shively Field Airport | Hayden |
1801 | SAC | Sacramento Executive Airport | Sacramento |
1802 | SAD | Safford Airport | Tucson |
1803 | SAF | Santa Fe Airport | Santa Fe |
1804 | SAG | Sagwon Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
1805 | SAN | San Diego International Airport | San Diego |
1806 | SAR | Sparta Community Airport | Saint Louis |
1807 | SAS | Salton City Airport | Imperial |
1808 | SAT | San Antonio International Airport | San Antonio |
1809 | SAV | Savannah/Hilton Head Airport | Savannah |
1810 | SBA | Santa Barbara Metropolitan Area Airport | Santa Barbara |
1811 | SBD | San Bernardino International Airport | Ontario |
1812 | SBM | Sheboygan County Memorial Airport | Milwaukee |
1813 | SBN | South Bend Regional Airport | South Bend |
1814 | SBO | Salina-Gunnison Airport | Provo |
1815 | SBP | San Luis County Regional Airport | San Luis Obispo |
1816 | SBS | Steamboat Springs Airport (Bob Adams Field) | Hayden |
1817 | SBX | Shelby Airport | Great Falls |
1818 | SBY | Wicomico Regional Airport | Salisbury-Ocean City |
1819 | SCB | Scribner State Airport | Omaha |
1820 | SCC | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
1821 | SCE | University Park Airport | State College |
1822 | SCF | Scottsdale Municipalcipal | Phoenix |
1823 | SCH | Schenectady County Airport | Albany |
1824 | SCJ | Smith Cove Airport | Hydaburg |
1825 | SCK | Stockton Metropolitan Airport | Sacramento |
1826 | SCM | Scammon Bay Airport | Scammon Bay |
1827 | SDF | Louisville International (Standiford Field) Airpor | Louisville |
1828 | SDM | Brown Field Municipalcipal | San Diego |
1829 | SDP | Sand Point Municipal Airport | Sand Point |
1830 | SDX | Sedona Airport | Prescott |
1831 | SDY | Richland Municipalcipal Airport | Sidney |
1832 | SEA | Seattle–Tacoma International Airport | Seattle |
1833 | SEE | Gillespie Field | San Diego |
1834 | SEF | Sebring Regional Airport | Punta Gorda |
1835 | SEG | Penn Valley Airport | Williamsport |
1836 | SEM | Craig Field | Birmingham |
1837 | SEP | Clark Field Airport | Killeen |
1838 | SER | Freeman Municipalcipal Airport | Louisville |
1839 | SES | Selfield Airport | Birmingham |
1840 | SFB | Orlando Sanford International Airport | Orlando |
1841 | SFF | Felts Field | Spokane |
1842 | SFM | Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport | Portland |
1843 | SFO | San Francisco International Airport | San Francisco |
1844 | SFZ | North Central Airport | Providence |
1845 | SGF | Springfield-Branson Rg Airport | Springfield |
1846 | SGH | Springfield–Beckley Municipal Airport | Dayton |
1847 | SGR | Sugar Land Regional Airport | Houston |
1848 | SGT | Stuttgart Municipalcipal Airport | Little Rock |
1849 | SGU | St. George Regional Airport | Saint George |
1850 | SGW | Saginaw Seaplane Base | Kake |
1851 | SGY | Skagway Municipal Airport | Haines |
1852 | SHD | Shenandoah Valley Airport | Staunton |
1853 | SHG | Shungnak Airport | Shungnak |
1854 | SHH | Shishmaref Airport | Shishmaref |
1855 | SHN | Sanderson Field Airport | Seattle |
1856 | SHR | Sheridan Airport | Gillette |
1857 | SHV | Shreveport Regional Airport | Shreveport |
1858 | SHX | Shageluk Airport | Shageluk |
1859 | SIK | Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport | Cape Girardeau |
1860 | SIT | Sitka Airport | Sitka |
1861 | SIV | Sullivan County Airport | Evansville |
1862 | SIY | Siskiyou County Airport | Medford |
1863 | SJC | San Jose International Airport | San Jose |
1864 | SJI | Mcguire Field Airport | Busuanga |
1865 | SJN | St. Johns Industrial Air Park Airport | Show Low |
1866 | SJS | San Jose de Chiquitos Airport | Santa Cruz |
1867 | SJT | San Angelo Regional Airport (Mathis Field) | San Angelo |
1868 | SKA | Fairchild Air Force Base | Spokane |
1869 | SKF | Kelly Field Annex / Lackland Air Force Base | San Antonio |
1870 | SKJ | Sitkinak Cgs Airport | Alitak |
1871 | SKK | Shaktoolik Airport | Shaktoolik |
1872 | SKW | Skwentna Airport | Kenai |
1873 | SKY | Griffing Sandusky Airport | Toledo |
1874 | SLB | Storm Lake Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
1875 | SLC | Salt Lake City International Airport | Salt Lake City |
1876 | SLE | Mcnary Field Airport | Portland |
1877 | SLG | Smith Field Airport | Fort Smith |
1878 | SLJ | Stellar Air Park Airport | Phoenix |
1879 | SLK | Adirondack Airport | Saranac Lake |
1880 | SLN | Salina Regional Airport | Salina |
1881 | SLO | Leckrone Airport | Marion |
1882 | SLQ | Sleetmute Airport | Tatalina |
1883 | SLR | Sulphur Springs Airport | Tyler |
1884 | SLT | Harriet Alexander Field | Gunnison |
1885 | SMD | Smith Field | Fort Wayne |
1886 | SME | Lake Cumberland Regional Airport | Lexington |
1887 | SMF | Sacramento International Airport | Sacramento |
1888 | SMK | St Michael Airport | Saint Michael |
1889 | SMN | Salmon Airport | Sun Valley |
1890 | SMO | Santa Monica Airport | Burbank |
1891 | SMU | Sheep Mountain Airport | Valdez |
1892 | SNK | Winston Field Airport | Abilene |
1893 | SNL | Shawnee Municipal Airport | Oklahoma City |
1894 | SNP | Saint Paul Island Airport | Saint Paul Island |
1895 | SNY | Sidney Municipal Airport (Lloyd W. Carr Field) | Alliance |
1896 | SOL | Solomon State Field Airport | Nome |
1897 | SOP | Pinehurst-S. Pines Airport | Fayetteville |
1898 | SOV | Seldovia Airport | Homer |
1899 | SOW | Show Low Regional Airport | Show Low |
1900 | SPA | Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport | Greenville |
1901 | SPF | Black Hills Airport (Clyde Ice Field) | Rapid City |
1902 | SPG | Whitted Airport | Tampa |
1903 | SPI | Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport | Springfield |
1904 | SPS | Sheppard Air Force Base / Wichita Falls Municipal Airport | Wichita Falls |
1905 | SPW | Spencer Municipal Airport | Fort Dodge |
1906 | SPX | Spaceland | Fort Myers |
1907 | SPZ | Springdale Municipal Airport | Fort Smith |
1908 | SQA | Santa Ynez Airport | Santa Barbara |
1909 | SQI | Whiteside County Airport | Moline |
1910 | SQL | San Carlos Airport (California) | Hayward |
1911 | SQV | Sequim Valley Airport | Friday Harbor |
1912 | SRC | Searcy Airport | Little Rock |
1913 | SRQ | Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport | Sarasota |
1914 | SRV | Stony River Airport | Tatalina |
1915 | SRW | Rowan County Airport | Charlotte |
1916 | SSC | Shaw Air Force Base | Columbia |
1917 | SSF | Stinson Municipal Airport | San Antonio |
1918 | SSI | Malcolm McKinnon St. Simons Island Airport | Brunswick |
1919 | SSW | Stuart Island Airport | Friday Harbor |
1920 | STC | St. Cloud Regional Airport | Brainerd |
1921 | STE | Stevens Point Airport | Wausau |
1922 | STG | St George Island Airport | Saint George Island |
1923 | STJ | Rosecrans Memorial Airport | Kansas City |
1924 | STK | Sterling Municipal Airport | Scottsbluff |
1925 | STL | Lambert–St. Louis International Airport | Saint Louis |
1926 | STP | St. Paul Downtown Airport (Holman Field) | Minneapolis |
1927 | STQ | St Marys Airport | Bradford |
1928 | STR | Stuttgart Echterdingen Airport | Stuttgart |
1929 | SUA | Witham Field Airport | West Palm Beach |
1930 | SUD | Stroud Airport | Stillwater |
1931 | SUE | Door County Airport | Green Bay |
1932 | SUM | Sumter Municipal Airport | Florence |
1933 | SUN | Sun Valley Airport | Sun Valley |
1934 | SUO | Sun River Airport | Redmond |
1935 | SUS | Spirit of St. Louis Airport | Saint Louis |
1936 | SUU | Travis AFB | Concord |
1937 | SUW | Richard I Bong Airport | Duluth |
1938 | SUX | Sioux Gateway Airport | Sioux City |
1939 | SVA | Savoonga Airport | Savoonga |
1940 | SVC | Grant County Airport | Silver City |
1941 | SVE | Susanville Airport | Reno |
1942 | SVH | Statesville Municipal Airport | Charlotte |
1943 | SVN | Hunter Army Airfield | Savannah |
1944 | SVS | Stevens Village Airport | Fairbanks |
1945 | SVW | Sparrevohn AFS | Iliamna |
1946 | SWD | Seward Airport | Anchorage |
1947 | SWF | Stewart Airport | Newburgh |
1948 | SWO | Searcy Field Airport | Stillwater |
1949 | SWW | Sweetwater Airport | Abilene |
1950 | SXP | Sheldon Point Airport | Sheldon Point |
1951 | SXQ | Soldotna Airport | Kenai |
1952 | SXV | Salem Airport | Tiruchirappalli |
1953 | SXY | Sidney Municipal Airport-N23 | Binghamton |
1954 | SYA | Eareckson Air Station | Anadyr |
1955 | SYB | Seal Bay Seaplane Base | Kitoi Bay |
1956 | SYI | Bomar Field Airport | Nashville |
1957 | SYN | Stanton Airfield | Minneapolis |
1958 | SYR | Syracuse Hancock International Airport | Syracuse |
1959 | SYV | Sylvester Airport | Albany |
1960 | SZD | Sheffield City Airport | Montgomery |
1961 | SZL | Whiteman Air Force Base | Kansas City |
1962 | SZN | Santa Cruz Island | Santa Barbara |
1963 | SZP | Santa Paula Airport | Santa Barbara |
1964 | TAD | Perry Stokes Airport | Pueblo |
1965 | TAL | Ralph Calhoun Airport | Hughes |
1966 | TBC | Tuba City Airport | Page |
1967 | TBN | Forney AAF | Fort Leonard Wood |
1968 | TBR | Statesboro-Bulloch County Airport | Savannah |
1969 | TCC | Tucumcari Airport | Clovis |
1970 | TCL | Van De Graaf | Columbus |
1971 | TCM | McChord AFB | Seattle |
1972 | TCS | Truth or Consequences Airport | Silver City |
1973 | TCT | Такотна | Tatalina |
1974 | TDO | South Lewis County Airport (Ed Carlson Memorial Field) | Portland |
1975 | TDW | Tradewind | Amarillo |
1976 | TDZ | Toledo Executive Airport | Toledo |
1977 | TEB | Teterboro Airport | Teterboro |
1978 | TEH | Tetlin Airport | Cordova |
1979 | TEK | Tatitlek Airport | Valdez |
1980 | TEX | Telluride Regional Airport | Montrose |
1981 | TGE | Sharpe Field Airport | Columbus |
1982 | THA | Tullahoma Regional Airport (William Northern Field) | Huntsville |
1983 | THM | Thompson Falls Airport | Kalispell |
1984 | THP | Hot Springs County–Thermopolis Municipal Airport | Riverton |
1985 | THV | York Airport | Middletown |
1986 | TIK | Tinker AFB | Oklahoma City |
1987 | TIW | Tacoma Narrows Airport | Seattle |
1988 | TIX | Space Coast Regional Airport | Melbourne |
1989 | TKA | Talkeetna Airport | Anchorage |
1990 | TKE | Tenakee SPB | Tenakee Springs |
1991 | TKF | Truckee-Tahoe Airport | Reno |
1992 | TKI | Tokeen Seaplane Base | Klawock |
1993 | TKJ | Tok Airport | Cordova |
1994 | TKL | Taku Lodge Seaplane Base | Juneau |
1995 | TLA | Teller Airport | Teller |
1996 | TLF | Telida Airport | McGrath |
1997 | TLH | Tallahassee Regional Airport | Tallahassee |
1998 | TLJ | Tatalina AFS | Tatalina |
1999 | TLR | Mefford Field Airport | Fresno |
2000 | TLT | Tuluksak Airport | Tuluksak |
2001 | TMA | Henry Tift Myers Airport | Valdosta |
2002 | TMB | Tamiami Airport | Miami |
2003 | TNC | Tin City Afs | Tin City |
2004 | TNK | Tununak Airport | Toksook Bay |
2005 | TNP | Twentynine Palms Airport | Palm Springs |
2006 | TNU | Newton Municipal Airport | Des Moines |
2007 | TOA | Torrance Airport | Long Beach |
2008 | TOC | Toccoa RG Letourneau Field Airport | Greenville |
2009 | TOG | Togiak Village Airport | Platinum |
2010 | TOI | Troy Municipal Airport | Dothan |
2011 | TOL | Toledo Express Airport | Toledo |
2012 | TOP | Philip Billard Municipal Airport | Kansas City |
2013 | TOR | Torrington Municipal Airport | Scottsbluff |
2014 | TOW | Luiz dal Canalle Filho Airport | Cascavel |
2015 | TPA | Tampa International Airport | Tampa |
2016 | TPH | Tonopah Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
2017 | TPL | Draughon-miller Central Texas Regional Airport | Killeen |
2018 | TPO | Tanalian Point Airport / Port Alsworth | Iliamna |
2019 | TRH | Trona Airport | Bakersfield |
2020 | TRI | Tri-cities Regional Airport | Bristol, VA/Johnson City/Kingsport |
2021 | TRL | Terrell Field Airport | Dallas |
2022 | TRM | Thermal Airport | Palm Springs |
2023 | TRT | Tremonton Airport | Salt Lake City |
2024 | TRX | Trenton Municipal Airport | Kirksville |
2025 | TSG | Tanacross Airport | Valdez |
2026 | TSM | Taos Airport | Alamosa |
2027 | TSP | Tehachapi Municipal Airport | Bakersfield |
2028 | TTD | Troutdale Airport | Portland |
2029 | TTN | Trenton Mercer Airport | Philadelphia |
2030 | TTO | Britton Municipal Airport | Aberdeen |
2031 | TUH | Arnold AFS | Huntsville |
2032 | TUL | Tulsa International Airport | Tulsa |
2033 | TUP | Tupelo Regional Airport | Tupelo |
2034 | TUS | Tucson International Airport | Tucson |
2035 | TVC | Cherry Capital Airport | Traverse City |
2036 | TVF | Thief River Falls Regional Airport | Thief River Falls |
2037 | TVI | Thomasville Municipal Airport | Valdosta |
2038 | TVL | South Lake Tahoe Airport | Reno |
2039 | TWA | Twin Hills Airport | Platinum |
2040 | TWD | Port Townsend Airport | Friday Harbor |
2041 | TWE | Taylor Airport | Nome |
2042 | TWF | Joslin Field - Magic Valley Regional Airport | Twin Falls |
2043 | TWH | Two Harbors Airport | Long Beach |
2044 | TXK | Texarkana Municipal Airport | Texarkana |
2045 | TYE | Tyonek Airport | Kenai |
2046 | TYR | Tyler Pounds Regional Airport | Tyler |
2047 | TYS | Mc Ghee Tyson Airport | Knoxville |
2048 | TYZ | Taylor Municipal Airport | Show Low |
2049 | UBS | Lowndes County | Columbus |
2050 | UCA | Oneida County Airport | Syracuse |
2051 | UCC | Yucca Flat | Las Vegas |
2052 | UCE | Eunice Airport | Lafayette |
2053 | UCY | Everett-Stewart Airport | Paducah |
2054 | UDD | Bermuda Dunes | Palm Springs |
2055 | UES | Waukesha Airport | Milwaukee |
2056 | UGB | Ugashik Bay | Egegik |
2057 | UGI | San Juan (Uganik) Seaplane Base | West Point |
2058 | UGN | Waukegan National Airport | Chicago |
2059 | UGS | Ugashik Airport | Egegik |
2060 | UIL | Quillayute State Airport | Friday Harbor |
2061 | UIN | Quincy M Baldwin Field Airport | Quincy |
2062 | UKI | Ukiah Municipal Airport | Santa Rosa |
2063 | UKN | Waukon Municipal Airport | La Crosse |
2064 | UKT | Quakertown Airport | Allentown |
2065 | ULM | New Ulm Airport | Minneapolis |
2066 | UMB | North Shore | Nikolski |
2067 | UMM | Summit Airport | Fairbanks |
2068 | UMT | Umiat Airport | Nuiqsut |
2069 | UNK | Unalakleet Airport | Unalakleet |
2070 | UNS | Umnak Airport | Nikolski |
2071 | UNU | Dodge County Airport | Madison |
2072 | UOS | Franklin County Airport / Sewanee International | Chattanooga |
2073 | UOX | University-Oxford Airport | Tupelo |
2074 | UPP | Upolu Point Airport | Hana |
2075 | UQE | Queen Airport | Dillingham |
2076 | UST | St Augustine Airport | Saint Augustine |
2077 | UTM | Tunica Municipalcipal Airport | Memphis |
2078 | UTO | Indian Mountain AFS | Hughes |
2079 | UUK | Kuparuk Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
2080 | UVA | Garner Field Airport | Del Rio |
2081 | UWA | Ware Airport | Worcester |
2082 | VAD | Moody AFB | Valdosta |
2083 | VAK | Chevak Airport | Chevak |
2084 | VBG | Vandenberg AFB | Santa Maria |
2085 | VCB | View Cove Airport | Concord |
2086 | VCT | County-Foster Airport | Corpus Christi |
2087 | VCV | Southern California Logistics Airport | Ontario |
2088 | VDI | Vidalia Municipal Airport | Savannah |
2089 | VDZ | Valdez Municipal Airport | Valdez |
2090 | VEE | Venetie Airport | Fort Yukon |
2091 | VEL | Vernal Airport | Vernal |
2092 | VEX | Tioga Municipal Airport | Williston |
2093 | VGT | North Las Vegas Airport | Las Vegas |
2094 | VHN | Culberson County Airport | Carlsbad |
2095 | VIK | Airstrip Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
2096 | VIS | Visalia Airport | Fresno |
2097 | VKS | Vicksburg Airport | Jackson |
2098 | VKW | West Kavik Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
2099 | VLA | Vandalia Airport | Decatur |
2100 | VLD | Valdosta Regional Airport | Valdosta |
2101 | VLE | Valle Airport | Flagstaff |
2102 | VNY | Van Nuys | Los Angeles |
2103 | VOK | Volk Field | La Crosse |
2104 | VPS | Eglin AFB | Fort Walton Beach |
2105 | VPZ | Porter County Regional Airport | South Bend |
2106 | VQQ | Cecil Field | Jacksonville |
2107 | VRB | Vero Beach Municipal Airport | Vero Beach |
2108 | VRS | Versailles Airport | Columbia |
2109 | VSF | Hartness State Airport | Lebanon |
2110 | VTN | Miller Field Airport | Pierre |
2111 | WAA | Wales Airport | Wales |
2112 | WAH | Wahpeton Airport | Fargo |
2113 | WAL | Wallops Flight Center | Salisbury-Ocean City |
2114 | WAX | Zwara Airport | Tripoli |
2115 | WAY | Greene County Airport | Morgantown |
2116 | WBB | Stebbins Airport | Stebbins |
2117 | WBQ | Beaver Airport | Fairbanks |
2118 | WBR | Roben–Hood Airport | Grand Rapids |
2119 | WBU | Boulder Municipal Airport | Denver |
2120 | WBW | Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley Airport | Wilkes-Barre |
2121 | WCR | Chandalar Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
2122 | WDB | Deep Bay Airport | Ketchikan |
2123 | WDG | Enid Woodring Mun. Airport | Stillwater |
2124 | WDN | Waldron Island Airport | Eastsound |
2125 | WDR | Winder Airport | Atlanta |
2126 | WDY | Kodiak Fss | Kodiak |
2127 | WEA | Parker County Airport | Dallas |
2128 | WFB | Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
2129 | WFK | Frenchville Airport | Presque Isle |
2130 | WGO | Winchester Regional Airport | Hagerstown |
2131 | WHD | Hyder Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
2132 | WHH | Hiltons Har H | Denver |
2133 | WHP | Whiteman Airport | Burbank |
2134 | WHT | Wharton Airport | Houston |
2135 | WJF | General William J. Fox Airfield | Burbank |
2136 | WKK | Aleknagik Airport | Dillingham |
2137 | WKL | Waikoloa Heliport | Kailua-Kona |
2138 | WLD | Strother Field | Wichita |
2139 | WLK | Selawik Airport | Selawik |
2140 | WLN | Little Naukati Airport | Klawock |
2141 | WLR | Loring Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
2142 | WLW | Willows-Glenn County Airport | Chico |
2143 | WMC | Winnemucca Airport | Elko |
2144 | WMH | Ozark Regional Airport | Harrison |
2145 | WMK | Meyers Chuck Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
2146 | WMO | White Mountain Airport | White Mountain |
2147 | WNA | Napakiak SPB Airport | Napakiak |
2148 | WNC | Naukati Bay SPB Airport | Klawock |
2149 | WOD | Wood River Airport | King Salmon |
2150 | WOO | Woodchopper Airport | Fort Yukon |
2151 | WOW | Willow Airport | Anchorage |
2152 | WPO | North Fork Valley Airport | Montrose |
2153 | WRB | Robins Air Force Base | Albany |
2154 | WRG | Wrangell SPB | Wrangell |
2155 | WRH | Wrench Creek Airport | Kotzebue |
2156 | WRI | McGuire Air Force Base | Wrightstown |
2157 | WRL | Worland Municipalcipal Airport | Riverton |
2158 | WSB | Steamboat Bay Seaplane Base | Kake |
2159 | WSD | Condron Army Airfield | El Paso |
2160 | WSF | Cape Sarichef Airport | Dutch Harbor |
2161 | WSG | Washington County Airport | Pittsburgh |
2162 | WSH | Brookhaven Airport | Ronkonkoma |
2163 | WSM | Wiseman Airport | Nuiqsut |
2164 | WSN | South Naknek Airport | King Salmon |
2165 | WST | Westerly State Airport | Providence |
2166 | WSX | Westsound Airport | Eastsound |
2167 | WTK | Noatak Airport | Kotzebue |
2168 | WTL | Tuntutuliak Airport | Kongiganak |
2169 | WTR | White River Airport | Show Low |
2170 | WVI | Watsonville Airport | Monterey |
2171 | WVL | Robert Lafleur Airport | Augusta |
2172 | WWA | Wasilla Airport | Anchorage |
2173 | WWD | Cape May County Airport | Atlantic City |
2174 | WWP | Whale Pass Airport | Klawock |
2175 | WWR | West Woodward Airport | Dodge City |
2176 | WWT | Newtok Airport | Nightmute |
2177 | WYB | Yes Bay Lodge Seaplane Base | Ketchikan |
2178 | WYS | Yellowstone Airport | West Yellowstone |
2179 | XES | Grand Geneva Resort Airport | Milwaukee |
2180 | XMD | Madison Municipal Airport | Sioux Falls |
2181 | XNA | Northwest Arkansas Regional | Joplin |
2182 | XPR | Pine Ridge Airport | Chadron |
2183 | XPU | West Kuparuk Airport | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse |
2184 | XSD | Tonopah Test Range Airport | Mammoth Lakes |
2185 | XSM | St Marys Municipal | Bradford |
2186 | XXX | Isabel Pass Airport | Valdez |
2187 | YAK | Yakutat Airport | Yakutat |
2188 | YAM | Sault Sainte Marie Airport | Sault Ste. Marie |
2189 | YJT | Stephenville Airport | Presque Isle |
2190 | YKM | Yakima Air Terminal (McAllister Field) | Yakima |
2191 | YKN | Chan Gurney Airport | Sioux Falls |
2192 | YNG | Youngstown Airport | Franklin |
2193 | YRR | Stuart Island Airport | Eastsound |
2194 | YSM | Fort Smith Airport | Fort Smith |
2195 | YTR | Canadian Forces Base Trenton | Rochester |
2196 | YUM | Yuma International Airport / MCAS Yuma | Yuma |
2197 | YWH | Victoria Inner Harbor | Victoria |
2198 | YWR | White River Water Aerodrome | Sault Ste. Marie |
2199 | YZX | CFB Greenwood | Bar Harbor |
2200 | ZMF | Beverello Harbor | San Angelo |
2201 | ZNC | Nyac Airport | Kalskag |
2202 | ZPH | Zephyrhills Airport | Tampa |
2203 | ZZV | Zanesville Municipal Airport | Parkersburg |